Table for Two-epub

Read Table for Two-epub for Free Online

Book: Read Table for Two-epub for Free Online
Authors: Jess Dee
James was forced to grab a space a good hundred meters from their art-deco block. That suited him fine, as he dropped an arm around Liv’s shoulders and kept it there as they walked home. Liv didn’t react in kind, but she made no move to shrug it off.
    He liked how she felt, tucked against him like this. She fit perfectly against his side, and was just the right height for him to sling his arm around her shoulders.
    Yeah, they may have walked like this before, but James was aware of Liv in a whole new way, and that made the walk that much more enjoyable.
    Their building was older than the neighboring blocks of flats—and smaller, with eight units in total—but it was loaded with character. The renovator inside him should have whispered of ways to fix it up, but James loved it the way it was. Dark brick, high, pressed ceilings, wooden floors and airy rooms. The eight creaking staircases leading up to his unit on the fourth floor only added to the character. And the view from his unit was unbeatable. A sweeping outlook all the way through to Bondi Beach. James slept with his blinds open so he could wake up to the sun glinting off the ocean in the distance.
    The pathway into the building was too narrow to walk side by side, so a reluctant James stepped back, allowing Liv to go first. But he couldn’t force himself to let go of her altogether. He placed his hand on the small of her back and left it there as they stepped into the building.
    Okay, he didn’t leave it there. He let it inch down so he palmed the curve of her ass. And palming her ass aroused him further, which in turn made walking just that little bit more difficult. But it was all worth it in the long run, because Liv had a great ass. A bit skinny, but great nevertheless.
    “You’re not fooling me,” she told him.
    “Fooling you?”
    “I can feel your hand, and it really shouldn’t be there.”
    “Yet you haven’t moved it.”
    “I’m waiting for you to come to your senses.”
    “I already have. It took eight years, but my senses are finally and fully intact.” They crossed the lobby to her ground floor apartment.
    “Your senses are poorly misguided tonight,” she argued.
    “Overstimulated, as opposed to misguided.” Including his sense of smell. Why had he never noticed how damn good Liv smelled? Like a rose garden in springtime, all floral and pretty.
    “James.” She whirled around to face him while still speaking. “This has to sto—” 
    She’d come to such an abrupt halt, he walked straight into her, leaving her gasping.
    Instinctively, he placed his hands on her hips to steady her. No—to touch her. The whole holding-her-steady thing was just an excuse.
    “Th-this has to stop now,” she repeated breathily, then balked. “Oh, God.” She glared at him, aghast. “You have an erection again.”
    “Again?” He laughed softly. “Pretty one, it’s been there the whole night.” And for the first time since stepping into her room earlier, he felt a modicum of relief. His cock was pressed against her belly, right where he wanted it to be…for the time being.
    “That is completely inappropriate,” she huffed. “You’re my friend, and friends don’t get aroused by other friends. Understand?”
    “Understand? Yep. Agree? Nope.” He pulled her more snugly against him.
    She smacked his shoulder. “Let me go this instant.”
    Yeah, that was so not going to happen.
    “Right now. Just move your hands from my waist.”
    He didn’t.
    “Okay, listen to me, and listen good. You walked in on me earlier, which was an honest mistake. You saw me naked, and you reacted. I get that. But it took place hours ago. The adrenaline rush is over. The excitement’s passed. Release me, and we’ll forget this ever happened.”
    Not likely. He wasn’t letting her go, and he wasn’t forgetting. Not when she fit against him so perfectly and smelled like a warm spring evening.
    “This is no longer a joke. If I’d known you’d take it this far, I

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