first. Then the events become more noticeable, more frequent until it’s undeniable. Whatever it is. It’s made me even doubt my own sanity.”
    “Have all the nurses experienced it?”
    She bit her lip and dropped her head. “The ones who say they haven’t are probably lying. Afraid that voicing it will make it more real. But I can tell you it is real , living .”
    “What was the first thing you noticed?” I asked . “The first strange occurrence?”
    “I’ll never forget it because I could never prove it,” she began. “It was my first weekend here. I went to check on a female patient who was sle eping. I heard a mumble coming from her. I thought she was just having a nightmare or so mething, so I placed my hand on the bed , and as I leaned over her she shot up and grabbed my neck. I managed to wrestle her back down and get released from her grasp. ”
    Bethany’s eyes were wide with horror as she relived it.
    “Wow. How horrible,” I replied.
    “No. That’s not what got to me. It was when I looked into her eyes. They were blazing red. Her irises weren’t human. I was so startled I remember letting out a scream , and that’s when the other nurses came running in. By that time the patient had closed her eyes and pretended to be sleeping. It wasn’t until she woke up that I thought that I’d be able to prove my story. Rather, it only made me look like I’d lost my mind. Her eyes were as a blue as a glacier. They weren’t red at all. But I knew what I saw . That was only the beginning.”
    “Whatever happened to that patient?”
    “She expired soon after .”
    I nodded and looked down the hall, surprised that I hadn’t seen Arie surface at all. I wonder ed if she’d found something.
    I began walking to the next room when I felt it. I was surprised that the wickedness was strong enough for me to pick up on, even as a mortal. I stopped and turned toward Bethany.
    “Have you ever had any problems with this patient?” I asked, grabbing the chart and scanning the information. It was a child’s room. Her name was Eleanor.
    “Oh, heavens no. This one’s an angel. We hope we can send her home soon. The doctors think they’ve got the bug almost licked.”
    A little girl’s voice began singing an eerie melody that was quite inviting.
    “She must be feeling better. She’s never sung before ,” Bethany smiled widely. “ I never knew she had such a beautiful voice. This is what makes everything worth it. ”
    I smiled at Bethany , wishing the song was that innocent, but something told me there was more to it .
    I slowly pushed the door open to see a little girl with blonde hai r cascading down her back, sitting on the side of her bed. She appeared to be alone, but I doubted that. I just couldn’t see whoever else was in here with her. I was at such a disadvantage as a mortal.
    “A beautiful song, Eleanor,” I told her as I walked into the room. She was facing the window, so I couldn’t see her expression. “You have a lovely voice.”
    The singing stopped . S he turned toward me and kept her head down , staring at the floor. The frail , little body was certainly not holding the soul of a ten year old. Her skin was pale and wrinkled around the eyes.
    “How are you feeling?” I asked, walking closer to her.
    She looked up at me confirming my worst fear. She was possessed , but by what I wasn’t sure.
    “Are you Lilith?” she asked.
    “No. My name is Ana. I work at the hospital , I’ ll be taking care of you tonight.” My b ody was stiff with anticipation as I worried about what she could possibly be capable of. “Who’s Lilith?”
    “ Somebody told me she’d be c oming for me,” Eleanor replied.
    “ Who told you that ?” I asked, as a sickening feeling spread through me. If they were willing to turn children, there’s no stopping them.
    She didn’t answer me. Rather, s he began singing again and closed her eyes as the melody wrapped around the room . I turned to look at Beth any and

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