before they found a
weakness. Fire. The archers switched to flaming arrows, which
ignited the wolves instantly. It took only three of the pack to
light up, like torches, before the animals decided to retreat.
    After that, all was quiet.
    And now, these men were sent off into the
wolf-infested forest, to encounter who knows what else. Taylon
shook his head, knowing there was nothing he could do.
    “I know you don’t agree.”
    He turned, startled at her presence. She
looked simply beautiful today, glowing and radiant. “I-I….”
    “But you will see that I am right.” She
stepped closer and closer as she spoke. Her words were light
whispers in the air.
    Taylon became completely entranced. Under her
spell, he forgot all about his cares.
    “Don’t you think so?” Her lips were now mere
inches from his, their noses barely touching. Taylon’s eyes began
to close, waiting for the kiss.
    Because if you don’t, the wraith
smiled as the captain’s bliss broke and his heart seized with fear, there won’t be a Rose for you except on your grave.
    The captain staggered back from the shock,
his whole body screaming with adrenaline and panic. Chill ice
slowly melted from his heart as it beat one hundred times faster.
He fell to a sitting position.
    Euphoria smiled, before returning to her
    Taylon felt like disappearing into the
ground. He had let this whole war happen, without a word of
warning, and only a feeble attempt at trying to assassinate the
queen. If he weren’t out in the open for his men to see, he would
wallow in self-pity.
    A recruit came up alongside, startling him.
He nodded, not trusting his voice to hide his pain.
    “What is our main goal? I know we have sent
out scouting and raiding missions, but it is hard to go looking for
something hypothetical. So what is our objective?”
    A moment of truth and clarity from someone
other than him. Others saw the foolhardiness of Euphoria’s plan.
But this recruit was asking him , so all the planning fell
back upon his shoulders. If they failed, Taylon would be to
    “The main resistance is a wizard.” Taylon
tried to hide his surprise. A wizard? Why was that
    “A wizard? A wizard of one of the races?”
    “No, a human wizard.” Again, something in his
mind worked and spilled forth this information involuntarily.
    “But sir, that’s absurd. Why would a human be
helping the other races hurt the humans? It doesn’t make any
    And in one clear flashback, Taylon remembered
the mirror and the standoff. When he was still second-in-command to
Kreitan, Euphoria was possessed, bewitched. Flickers of what had
come and gone came forth, and now he remembered. A girl and a
wizard. A fox and a glowing ball of light.
    “We must find this wizard, and a girl.”
    “A girl?”
    “A young girl the wizard travels with. We
must find them. They will help us end this conflict.” His voice
sounded confident, more confident than it had in weeks.
    The recruit hesitated. “But sir, where do we
go about finding them? The Territories are expansive.”
    He paused for a moment before quick-stepping
to his tent. The recruit followed him, hesitating slightly. Inside
the tent, he pulled out a map of Faldoa.
    “Look here to start.” His finger jabbed down
on the parchment, almost tearing the fragile thing. It was west of
their position, close to where the wall met the river. A small town
called Willow Haven.

Chapter Six
    They were definitely lost now, Kara was sure
of it. A day ago, Jesset and she had set out to venture into the
Territories. Her father stayed behind, laid up due to one of the
horses kicking him in the leg. Kara didn’t wish to leave him, but
knew they would travel faster without him.
    She used the assassin elf’s key, shuddering
as she inserted it into the secret door. Yes, she would hopefully
see her friends again, but there was a chance Katrena could still
be out there holding a grudge. Kara shook

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