Texas Sunrise

Read Texas Sunrise for Free Online

Book: Read Texas Sunrise for Free Online
Authors: Fern Michaels
choreographed, then together they surfaced, their heads breaking water at the same moment.
    â€œI love you,” Maggie whispered.
    â€œHow much?” Rand said, locking his body against hers.
    â€œMore than yesterday and half as much as tomorrow,” she said. “How much do you love me?”
    â€œA lot, you brazen hussy,” Rand said hoarsely. He entwined one of his legs with hers to bring her closer. “Want to make love in the water?”
    â€œYeah,” Maggie drawled.
    â€œIt might be a little tricky out here.”
    â€œIs that your fifty-three years talking, or am I too much woman for you?”
    Rand grinned. “More likely the other way around.”
    â€œShow me,” she whispered. Maybe this time things would be the way they used to be. Maybe this time Rand’s lovemaking wouldn’t be so ... mechanical.
    He brought his mouth close to her ear and whispered.
    â€œReally!” Maggie laughed.
    â€œReally. And then some.” Rand grinned, striking out for the shore line.
    A devilish light in her eyes, Maggie jackknifed into the water. She surfaced, her powerful strokes enabling her to overtake him easily. They hit the beach within seconds and rolled on the sand together.
    Maggie tensed for what she knew was about to come. Rand’s arms tightened despite her pretended struggles. Then he forced her closer, crushing her, his body hard and muscular. She felt herself caught in the intensity of his gaze, aware of the power he had over her. Her pretended outrage was gone, replaced now with passion as he drew her into the depths of his dark eyes.
    She lowered her head imperceptibly, digging her body into the soft white sand, bracing herself for his kiss, preparing her mouth for his expected onslaught. Instead, she felt his gentle lips against her brow, slipping into her hairline and descending in a path to the sensitive skin at her ear. She was aware of the faint spicy scent of his cologne, of the close stubble of beard on his chin, of the softness of his lips as they traced patterns across her cheeks.
    Maggie felt her body relaxing, yielding, as his hand cupped her face, raising her lips to his own. When she thought she couldn’t bear the sweetness another moment, his kiss deepened. The moist tip of his tongue smoothed the satiny underside of her lips and penetrated ever so softly, ever so slowly, into the recesses of her mouth.
    Feeling her moist, anxious lips soften and part, offering themselves to him, Rand groaned and moved his mouth hungrily over hers, tasting the sweetness within.
    When he released her, his eyes searched hers for an instant, then her long, thick lashes closed, and she heard her breath coming in ragged little gasps of surprise and wonder. How could this man, whom she loved with all her being, still evoke in her these wild animal feelings? She kissed him deeply, and everything was blotted out—the glorious sun, the soft lapping water at their feet, even Susan and the household staff, who had a clear view of the beach. Nothing mattered but this man and the feeling he evoked in her.
    It seemed to Maggie that his mouth became part of her own, his white teeth large and square, his lips full, sensuous. It was a clean mouth, tasting of the wine he’d had with lunch. She clung to him, unwilling to allow even the narrowest space between them. His kisses intoxicated her, making her lightheaded, heightening her craving. They strained toward one another, captured by the designs of sensuality, caught in a yearning that penetrated the barriers of the flesh and drove them to join breath and body, spirit and soul.
    When at last they could bear to part, he again looked deeply into her eyes. No man could ever take his place in her life. It was fated that his eyes should be looking at her as they were now, filled with desire, brimming with expectation; it was fated that his voice should be so soft, so gentle, yet vibrate through her like the deep, rumbling

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