The Adventures of Kid Combat Volume Two:  The Heist of Spring Road Toys
    “Dude,” was all Kid could get out at first.
The two friends stopped walking, and Kid continued. “We rushed
through this mission, and it almost cost us.”
    “Dude, we didn’t rush through anything. We
planned for weeks,” Samantha argued. “The boys checked the rover,
like, seventeen times. Stuff just happens. We adjusted and got what
we needed,” Samantha said, trying to ease Kid’s mind. It worked a
little bit, but also in turn made Samantha feel a bit guilty that
her mistake of dropping the camera made her friend feel so bad.
    “I guess you’re right,” Kid replied. “I don’t
know. I guess we can chalk this one up to bad luck and just work on
protecting the Thompsons from that curator guy.”
    “That’s the spirit!” Samantha said back and
gave Kid a pat on the chest. “Now, get to dinner before your dad
kills you for making him wait.”
    The two parted ways at Sam’s driveway, and
Kyle proceeded into his house. It was dinnertime at the Christensen
household, and that was not a time to be late. He made his way up
the driveway and entered the backdoor off the porch.
    That door opened into the family’s kitchen
area. The modest room was full of action as dinner was in full
swing. The Christensen household was ablaze with smells that
immediately embraced Kyle as he entered. Kyle’s mom had multiple
burners going on the stove as a feast was in store for the family.
The steam rose out of the pots and masked the white cabinets with a
small hint of moisture.
    The countertops were also full of dishes and
utensils used to create the artwork that was to become their
    Kyle’s mother was in the center of all the
excitement. Glowing from the happiness that surrounded her, she
almost danced around the kitchen as she prepared the meal.
    Kyle was truly one of the lucky kids left in
Elmcrest whose family was not blinded by the greedy, corrupt ways
of Jones. They still cared for one another and were by all means
    This was true for most of the members of
SOCKs families. The core fabric was very important in shaping the
kids of the organization into what they were today. They fought
back against Jones to preserve that precise thing.
    “Hi, sweetheart,” Kyle’s mom said as he
entered. “How were your games?”
    “Good,” Kyle replied, entering farther into
the kitchen. He poked around the dishes on the counter, trying to
sneak some dinner in. His mother would have none of it.
    “Now, Kyle, go upstairs and clean up for
supper! You’ve already made your father wait this long. Now get!”
she sparked with a hint of sarcasm wrapped in a package of love.
Kyle didn’t answer, but he scurried off to his left and up the
sixteen stairs to the second floor of their home. Making his way
down the long hallway, Kyle turned left at the first door and
entered into his room.
    The door itself had little ornamentation on
the outside, but the inside of the room was filled with
decorations. The walls were painted a light blue that was mostly
obscured by posters of rock bands, baseball players, and other
various interests.
    There was limited furniture in the room. A
standard twin bed was nestled up against one wall. A wood desk, big
enough to seat a small child, was on the other wall. That was it
for furniture in the room.
    The room was a typical ten-year-old’s room.
The hardwood floor underneath Kyle’s feet barely showed through the
mess that covered it. From toys, to laundry, to just plain junk, it
was a vast contrast to Kid Combat’s room within The Playground.
Here, Kyle was a kid, and he allowed himself a little bit of a
mess. Besides, who had time to clean with his busy life? At least,
that’s what he told himself.
    Kyle made his way into his room and searched
for some clean clothes to put on for dinner. Taking various
articles off the floor and giving them the old sniff test, Kyle
weeded out the bad ones from the good ones. He finally found a
decent shirt and settled on wearing the same

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