The Best of Us

Read The Best of Us for Free Online

Book: Read The Best of Us for Free Online
Authors: Ursula Gorman
time he came into her store. He shouted for a bit, then knocked some items off the counter and stormed out.” Daniel said.
    Det. Stone wrote for several minutes, asking a quick question every so often. Thanked Carly for her time, and as he and Det. Wright were ready to leave, he turned to Carly, “Please let me know if you remember anything else. Also, be careful. Daniel tells me you are going to be staying here.”
    Carly glanced over at Daniel wondering when he’d had a chance to mention that. “Yes, I will be staying upstairs, and I will be very careful.”

    The next morning Carly was locking the brand new locks on the front door to Treasures when Daniel pulled up. She had mixed feelings about seeing him again, but found herself mostly irritated that she was happy to see him. She knew she needed to guard her heart where Daniel was concerned.
    “ Hi, I thought I’d see if you wanted a ride.” Daniel said as he came around the front of his car.
    “ The lawyer’s office isn’t that far away. I was planning on walking.” Carly said, trying too hard to sound casual, but if Daniel noticed, he didn’t let on.
    “ Then I’ll walk with you, if you don’t mind.”
    Carly couldn’t think of a reason to say no, so she shrugged and turned to start walking toward the lawyer’s office. She wasn’t looking forward to the next couple of hours. She was still trying to come to terms with Jenna’s death and she wasn’t even sure why she needed to be at the reading anyway.
    They walked side by side, in companionable silence. Carly had always gotten along with all of the Wayne’s and Daniel wasn’t any different in that respect. But he happened to be the one she fell hard for. She remembered all those years ago, when she first met Jenna at the softball tryouts their fifth grade year. They had been so young, just eleven, and innocent and had hit it off right away. They had been inseparable since that day, but it had been a long time before Carly had the chance to meet the Wayne brothers.
    They were all into sports and were hardly at the house, so it wasn’t too hard for the three older Wayne siblings to avoid their little sister. Carly met Carter first since he was only a year older than they were. She already knew who he was from school but hadn’t really met him until she and Jenna became best friends.
    Carly only saw Harm, the oldest Wayne sibling, in passing. He was seventeen and the handsomest man Carly had ever seen…that is, until she met Daniel. He was, almost, fifteen and was a girls dream! He was already tall for his age, was into football, girls and fun. He was the most romantic, sweetest, kindest boy she’d ever met…at least, Carly imagined he was. Harm was too old and Carter was just another kid…but Daniel, he was perfect.
    Carly couldn’t help but smile at the memory of her first encounter with each of the Wayne siblings. She loved the Wayne family, then and now.
    “ Penny for your thoughts...” Daniel said, noticing the slight smile on Carly’s face.
    Carly started, almost as if she was surprised to find him beside her. She looked up and smiled at Daniel, causing his heart to give a little leap.
    “ I was just thinking of when I first met each of you Wayne boys.”
    Daniel had to smile at that memory too. His was a completely different take on the same memories. When he’d first met Carly, he couldn’t help but think that her big, blue eyes were way too big for her petite pixie face. Then he’d noticed the look of puppy love in her eyes and he spent the next few years avidly trying to avoid his sister’s best friend…it had been impossible, but before long he had come to think of her as another little sister.

    The reading of the will was a shock to Carly. When the lawyer finished reading it, Carly stood up, mumbled something unintelligible and left the room. By the time Daniel was able to get away, Carly was gone. He had wasted several minutes looking around the lawyer’s office building,

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