The Better Man

Read The Better Man for Free Online

Book: Read The Better Man for Free Online
Authors: Cerian Hebert
spent together to scare her off. He wanted her in his life, no
matter what the terms.

Chapter Four
    She never
wanted to leave. Even though the foliage that glowed so vibrant and alive would
soon fade to a dull, brownish-gray before leaving skeletal branches against a
winter sky, she was still madly in love with the New Hampshire landscape. She
could’ve stayed in the White Mountains forever, but she was eager to head to
the southwestern part of the state where she and Brian had booked four nights
at the Five Oaks Inn.
    With each night
that passed, dealing with her single status and the front desk clerks became
easier. Generally, they didn’t ask, and if they gave her one of those
one-eyebrow-raised stares, she just smiled it away, maybe shrugged, but didn’t
have to say anything more.
    Fighting off
the loneliness was more difficult. She didn’t miss Brian as much as she
should’ve. In fact, when she did think about him she was left with an
emptiness, a lack of any hurt or sense of loss. Where did their relationship go
wrong? Apparently, he’d gotten bored. Bored enough to go out looking for
someone new. Was this latest “love” the first, or was she one in a long line of
other women? How long had he been feeling this way? And why in the world did he
not say anything? Leading her on was inexcusable.
    The questions
pushed at her mind. Why didn’t she hurt more? Where in the world was the broken
heart she was supposed to have? Why was she filled with relief? Maybe whatever
lack of emotion Brian had experienced hit her deep down as well.
    And how come
she felt sadder about Will? Every night, while stretched out in a bed made for
two, an empty pillow next to her, she remembered their night together. Those
memories brought her more pain than thinking about her aborted wedding. Was
Will really in love with her? She usually considered herself a pretty good
judge of character, and she’d recognized the longing in his eyes when she left
him in that parking lot. No, maybe it wasn’t what she’d thought at all. Maybe
it was just the overcharged passion between them. She was determined not to
read more into that hunger than need be. She’d had enough heartache for one
    She drove the
narrow, winding road slowly, the window open to let the cool autumn air inside.
The crisp smell was a refreshing change from the warm city air she’d left at
    The inn came up
on her left, a sprawling country resort carved out of the woods. She slowed the
car down and soaked it in, realizing Brian would’ve hated it. Nothing about
this place would’ve appealed to him. But Brian would’ve hated most of the
places she’d stayed. He was about flash and excitement she’d tried so hard to
avoid on this “honeymoon.” She sought relaxation and hominess, which this place
offered in abundance.
    The old white
building was everything she thought a country inn should be, complete with a
wide wrap-around porch furnished with wicker chairs and tables. A dozen pots of
bright, yellow, rust, and orange chrysanthemums lined the wide stairway that
led up to the front door. The well-landscaped front lawn, she imagined bloomed
with bright flowers in the spring, swept down to the road. The inn didn’t have
any of the trappings of a more modern hotel, no high tech conveniences, but
that was just what she wanted. She parked in the front and went inside. The
lobby was decorated with antiques and quaint New England country furnishings. The
place was perfect.
    At once, the
troubles that had been riding along with her melted away.
    A young woman
stood behind the front desk, glaring at her computer and mumbling under her
breath. Lori hated to interrupt her, and when she did, she was greeted with
wide-eyed desperation.
    “I have a
reservation. Lorelei Petrin.”
    The young woman
continued to stare, then bit her lip. “Um. Petrin. Okay, let me um, pull it up
here on the…”
    She turned back
to the computer and hit the enter button on the keyboard,

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