THE BIGGEST STAGE (A Brothers of Rock - WILLOW SON - novel)

Read THE BIGGEST STAGE (A Brothers of Rock - WILLOW SON - novel) for Free Online

Book: Read THE BIGGEST STAGE (A Brothers of Rock - WILLOW SON - novel) for Free Online
Authors: Karolyn James
the room and found
it empty.
    Damn empty.
    Tessa had left because he had been
    The room was empty, and it bothered
the hell out of Colby. There had been so many missed opportunities in his life
that it didn ’ t really
matter anymore. But that one did. Mostly because he never found out why she was
actually crying. What put her outside that hotel at the exact moment. The way
she turned around and looked right at him. How she pushed back at him and
    And her eyes.
    Pretty eyes.
    That was the end of it all though.
    Colby had touched the pillows on
the bed, shook his head, and left the room.
    Now he was miles away. Far from the
hotel, the restaurant, and the entire scene with the balcony, the show, and
almost getting arrested.
    After playing a few more minutes,
another black car pulled up. Both back doors opened and out poured the rest of
the band. Harry got out of the front passenger seat. Jett, Ryker, and Van each
had a bag over their shoulder, a guitar case in their hands. Brantley had a
big, black suitcase and pair of drumsticks sticking out of his back pocket.
    Colby stood up. “ What the hell is this? I feel
like I ’ m in a mob movie and
I ’ m going to get killed. ”
    “ Maybe, ” Harry said. “ My family has connections …”
    “ Shut
up, ” Jett said with a
laugh. “ Your family lives
in Tampa, Florida. Aren ’ t
they all vegans, too? ”
    “ Killer
vegans, ” Harry said.
    Colby whistled. “ What are we doing here? ”
    “ Little
present for you guys, ” Harry said. “ Because when
we get signed by Portis Millersen tonight, this will be something like home for
you all. ”
    “ A
garage? ” Colby asked.
    Harry stuck a key in the handle and
turned. He then opened the garage with a big grin on his face. “ Not a garage. A place to play
and live. To write some new music …”
    Colby looked and had to blink ten
times to make sense of it all.
    It was indeed a garage, at least on
the outside. The inside was fully remodeled and looked just like a loft
apartment. It had a small kitchen, two beds, and it was wide open complete with
everything Willow Son needed. All their equipment was there and set up.
    “ How
the hell did you do this? ” Van asked.
    “ I
know a guy, ” Harry said. “ It ’ s
yours for the year. ”
    “ We ’ re just a couple hours from my
place, ” Colby said.
    “ Who
the hell wants to write rock music in the cold and snow? ” Brantley asked.
    Colby did. There was nothing like a
chilly night with a fire. Especially if he had company up there, too. But,
hell, how long had it been since he had company up at his place?
    “ This
is amazing, ” Colby said.
    “ Tonight ’ s your night, ” Harry said. “ We ’ re
going to the party and we ’ re
going to meet with Portis. I have songs, demos, everything. ”
    “ What
happens to our old music? ” Ryker asked.
    “ You
can do what you want for now, ” Harry said. “ I hear
rumblings that there ’ s
going to be an open bidding for the copyright. I ’ m
doing everything I can to fix it. To get it all back to you five. So it ’ s right and fair. ”
    “ Everyone
good with that? ” Jett
    “ With
what? ” Colby asked.
    “ Five
equal shares, ” Jett said.
    “ Why
wouldn ’ t we be? ” Brantley asked.
    “ He ’ s right, ” Van said. “ Right
now, we agree to it again. No bullshit with copyright and creative efforts,
okay? ”
    Colby got in between everyone. “ No. This is not even a
conversation. Willow Son has been the five of us from day one. I don ’ t care if it ’ s a lyric, a chord, or a
drumbeat. It ’ s all part of
the sound. The five of us created the sound, the five of us will get paid
equally. ”
    They put their fists together and
agreed on it.
    That ’ s
how they became a band in the first place. Agreeing to stick it out, no matter
    Colby couldn ’ t wait to write in the place. With the door open
and nobody around, it was like an oasis. Add to that the gentle sound of the

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