The Billionaire's Elusive Lover

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Book: Read The Billionaire's Elusive Lover for Free Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
irritated. “Alec, I’m not sure what you’re expecting here but I’m not making promises to you at all. And this promise was made long before I ever met you and I’m not going back on my word.” She stood up and pushed her chair in, ignoring the waiter hovering nearby and Alec’s security detail that was instantly alert. “Thank you for a very pleasant evening and please, don’t do anything about Mick’s or Edith’s transgression. It was my fault.”
    Alec was livid that she would walk away after making that kind of a statement. Didn’t she know who he was? What he could do to her and her family? With only a phone call, he could destroy her career, ensure that she never sold another photograph. “Sit down, Helen. We haven’t finished with this discussion,” he articulated carefully.
    Helen couldn’t believe this man. Where had all the charm gone? Where was the man who had made her laugh throughout the meal and who had listened to all her dreams as if he really cared about her goals and ambitions? He was definitely not this stern autocrat who thought she would jump at whatever commands he wanted to deliver.
    She pulled out her wallet, grimacing at the small number of bills left after her lunch. “I’m sorry, I know this won’t cover my half of the meal, but it’s all I have. Goodnight, Alec,” she said and walked away from the table. A part of her wished he would stop her, to take the decision out of her hands. She suspected that, once he started kissing her, she would fall easily into his bed.
    When she reached the sidewalk, Helen quickly raised her hand to hail a cab. She should probably take the bus but she had no idea where the nearest bus stop was or what time it would arrive at this time of night. It was safer, if much more expensive, to take a cab tonight.
    Glancing back at the restaurant, she wished the evening could have gone on longer. Alec definitely was a different kind of man than what she was used to. She’d never met anyone quite like him. If only he hadn’t changed so drastically at the end of the night….
    No, she thought as the cab turned a corner and the restaurant’s lights faded around the next building, Alec was dangerous. His touch could make her forget. She needed to stay away from him completely. He definitely wasn’t the man for her.

Alec watched her as she walked gracefully through the tables, his body rebelling at his patience. He’d have her, he knew. It was just a matter of time. He knew he could convince her but that wouldn’t be as good as if she came to him willingly.
    “Follow her,” he said to Dominic, one of his body guards. The man nodded immediately and turned to leave the restaurant.
    He then looked down at the table and burst out laughing. The impertinent woman had left him nine dollars. He chuckled as he stood up, shaking his head in exasperation. He’d have to eliminate that stubborn and independent streak she had, he thought. The meal had cost more like nine hundred dollars but he admired the fact that she’d emptied her wallet for him. She obviously had no concept of how much a meal in this kind of establishment could cost but he didn’t mind. At least she wasn’t after him for his money.
    He ducked into the back of his waiting limousine, his mind automatically starting to focus on what he would do once he finally had her in his bed. The ideas tumbled over the next one and he shifted uncomfortably as his body reacted to his mind’s plans for the slender beauty.

Chapter 2
    Helen balanced the chocolate cake in one hand while talking on her cell phone with the other. “Are you sure you’re free for at least an hour?” she asked Edith as she walked quickly around the corner. The building was in sight but she hesitated, hoping she wouldn’t run into Alec again. Once had been bad enough. The man had infiltrated her dreams every night for the past seven days and she’d become distracted at least several

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