The Black Door

Read The Black Door for Free Online

Book: Read The Black Door for Free Online
Authors: Velvet
    “Busy? Boring? What’s the difference?” She reached over and nudged Ariel on the knee. “Come on, tell me, did you kiss those luscious lips and feel him up?”
    Ariel laughed slightly. “Meri, you’re one old horny broad.”
    “What can I say? Sex keeps me young. You should try it sometimes; now stop stalling and give up the details.”
    “He kissed me, but only on the cheek,” she reached inside her purse, “and then gave me this, and said to call if I wanted more than an escort.” She handed Meri the card.
    At the sight of the glossy black business card, a wide, devilish grin spread across Meri’s face. “Oh, yes, The Black Door.”
    Ariel watched Meri’s expression and was now more curious than ever. “What’s The Black Door?”
    “The question should be, What isn’t The Black Door?” Meri answered, raising her perfectly arched brow.
    Ariel looked confused. “What do you mean?”
    “Hold on to your platinum and pearls, because what I’m about to tell you will probably send you into shock.”
    “Stop the dramatics and just tell me.”
    “It’s a club,” she said mysteriously.
    The suspense was killing Ariel. “What type of club?”
    “An adults-only club for women.”
    “You mean a strip club, like Chippendales?”
    Meri drained the last of her drink, as if she needed the alcohol
    to help her explain the uniqueness of the club. “Chippendales is child’s play compared to The Black Door. First of all, it’s for members only, but not everyone is accepted. You have to be referred. They do a thorough background check, to make sure you’re not an undercover policewoman, and then they give every member a blood test, to ensure that everyone is healthy and disease free.”
    “Why all the precautions?” Ariel wondered.
    “So the members can be free to walk on the wild side. And to ensure anonymity, everyone is fitted with a custom-designed mask.”
    Ariel was now perched on the edge of the sofa, her interest totally piqued, wanting to know more. “Why wear a mask, if they do such a thorough background check?”
    “You see, my dear, some of wealthiest, most high-powered women in the world are members of this exclusive club, women who can afford anything under the sun, except a scandal spread across the front page of the
And with the security of a mask, they feel free to indulge in all of the various activities that the club has to offer.”
    “What kind of activities?” she asked, like an inquisitive schoolgirl yearning for knowledge. Ariel wasn’t a prude, but had only had a handful of lovers in her lifetime, and none of them were very creative under the covers. Preston was her most passionate lover and had taught her positions that she’d never seen before, but she still felt that there was a whole world of activities and positions that she knew nothing about, and she was curious to hear all about it.
    Meri hesitated for a moment. “How would I know?” she said
    “Because if I had to bet, I’d say that you are a member in good standing. Now tell me what goes on at The Black Door,” she said, scooting even closer to the edge of the sofa.
    “Let’s just say that the club offers everything from ménage à trois to lesbian liaison.” She fanned her hand across her face. “To
your wildest dreams may be.”
    Meri’s explanation knocked Ariel from her perch on the edge of the couch and sent her reeling back onto the plump cushions. “Wow,” she exhaled. “I thought places like that only existed in triple-X movies.”
    “Well, I’m here to tell you that The Black Door is as real as it gets.” She returned the card. “Keep this in a safe place, in case of a sexual emergency.”
    Ariel put the card on the table. “I don’t need it. Preston will be home tonight to answer my nine-one-one,” she said, proudly. During their lengthy relationship, Ariel had never cheated on Preston, and she didn’t intend to start now.
    Meri picked up the card and

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