The Buried Treasure on Route 66: A Nancy Keene Mystery
where we spent our honeymoon.”
    “Nancy told me that you and
Mr. Wood liked to bury momentos at each of the places where you
were happy. Did you and your former husband bury anything
    “Let me think. Our honeymoon
was 45 years ago and we only stayed there together that one
    Nancy says, “Forty-five
years is a long time ago to try to remember anything, isn’t it,
Mrs. Wood?”
    “I’ve got it!” Mrs. Wood
says. “Now I remember. We buried the bride and groom decoration
that was on our wedding cake.”
    “That’s great!” Nancy says.
“Do you remember where you buried it?”
    “I think so. I’d have to go
back there and see for sure.”
    “Well, it’s great that
you’re bringing that up right now.”
    “Because Ned and I would
like to drive you to the Blue Swallow Motel.”
    Mrs. Wood starts crying and
is lost for words. She gets up from her chair and hugs Nancy and
Ned. “This is a dream come true. Thank you. Thank you! I can’t
believe this is happening. I feel like I’ve just won the
    Ned says, “I’ll bet Mr. Wood
buried the new will in your special place there.”
    “Maybe so. When can we
leave?” Mrs. Wood says.
    Nancy tells her that Ned has
to work until Friday; but his boss is letting him take four days
off after that. She continues, “I have to talk to my father about
all this. I don’t know how he’s going to like the idea of me going
away on a long trip without him.”
    “Maybe he can come with us,”
Mrs. Wood says.
    “We’ll see. Start packing
your bags, Mrs. Wood, because I think I can talk him into it when
he comes home from New York tomorrow.”
    “Thank you both so much for
all you’ve done for me. I haven’t been this excited and happy for
    “Okay. I promise to call you
after I’ve spoken to my father.”
    Mrs. Wood hugs them goodbye
and tells Nancy that she loves her.
    “I love you, too,” Nancy
    Nancy is waiting for her
father’s flight to land at the airport in Phoenix. She has bought a
lei at her favorite flower shop and is planning to say “Aloha” when
she greets him. Finally, the 5:00 flight comes in from La Guardia.
She waves at her father as he comes to her. “Did the plane make a
wrong turn and land in Honolulu?” he asks.
    “Welcome home, Dad!” she
says as she places the lei over his head. “It’s so good to see you,
Dad! I missed you!!”
    “Me, too, honey. Thanks for
picking me up. It’s good to be home.”
    “Why didn’t you let me drive
you to the airport instead of having to call a taxi? You should’ve
woken me up.”
    “I figured that you needed
your beauty rest after your previous night of 2:00 a.m.
    “Speaking of cooking, I’ve
made your favorite meal for dinner.”
    “Coq au Vin?”
    “Bien sur,
    “I can’t wait to get
    When Mr. Keene arrives home,
he is escorted into the dining room by his daughter, who pours him
a glass of Moet & Chandon. “Care for some lobster bisque to
start, Dad?”
    “Oh, boy!” he says, as Nancy
ladles out the soup from their best Villeroy and Boch
    “What a welcome home! You’ve
really outdone yourself this time!”
    “Thanks, Dad.”
    “Okay. So, what’s up? Why
are you buttering me up like this? What’s on your mind?”
    “Well, Dad. Since you’re
asking, there is something, but let’s finish our meal together
first. Tell me all about your trip.”
    “Oh no, you don’t. Tell me
right now what your latest scheme is.”
    “Well, Dad. You know how
I’ve been trying to help Mrs. Wood find that will I was telling you
    “Nancy! I told you to let it
go. Stop being involved in that mess. Those stepsons mean
    “Well, it’s funny you should
bring that up because I was thinking of getting her away from them
for a while.”
    “She’s not staying
    “Dad. That thought didn’t
even cross my mind.”
    “What thought
    “Well, I’ve

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