The Changeling Soldier

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Book: Read The Changeling Soldier for Free Online
Authors: Shona Husk
was building. As his blood seeped through the paper he hoped he was ready for what was coming.

Chapter Four
    Nothing was quite as much fun as creating something beautiful out of a pile of cloth and beads and thread. Adjusting the mannequin with Melody’s measurements and tweaking the pattern were all part of the process. Whereas modern dressmakers used sewing machines, she hand-stitched everything, and to do the beading she shrunk herself down to ten-inch Brownie size. While she couldn’t imagine ever living as a Brownie and keeping house for someone else—she liked her independence too much—being small gave her work a delicate touch that no one else in the mortal world could match.
    As the dress came together, she was aware she was running out of time in the mortal world. News trickled across the veil and other fairies, those unfortunate enough to be in exile and unable to return home, were talking. Prince Felan had been given two weeks to find a human queen and take the throne. But Sulia was also making a play to rule Annwyn. Fairies were picking sides and getting ready to go to war. The thought filled her with dread.
    War in Annwyn was bad for everyone on both sides of the veil. Here the newspapers were already full of disease outbreaks. Borders between countries were being closed. As the death tolls racked up, she felt sorry for the humans and their ignorance. They had no idea what was causing the problems as they had forgotten their fairy lore.
    Usually that was a blessing.
    Melody’s knowledge of fairies scared Ella just a little. As soon as she dropped off the dress she would be fleeing across the veil like the Hunter’s hounds were after her. The only regret she had would be not getting to know Isaac better. For a brief moment she considered offering to take him with her. But even though he was half fairy he was still mortal, and being mortal in Annwyn was dangerous.
    She gave the dress a final inspection, more than happy with the way it had turned out. Melody would look ethereal, as she’d requested, and she’d attract attention just like she wanted. Ella had put a little magic in the dress, even though she’d had doubts about helping Melody at all. However, it must be hard for her, pinning her dreams on someone else’s whims.
    At least Ella made her own dreams and her own luck. She rarely had to glamour people into giving her what she wanted. And Isaac? If she asked for a date—that would of course end up in bed—would he agree?
    In her mind, he did. A small smile formed. If she’d only had longer…
    It had been a long time since she’d allowed herself to indulge in anything that came close to a relationship—she allowed herself a few nights, maybe a few weeks, but nothing more. Fairies didn’t age like humans. When a fairy became old they wasted and became frail, but they never looked a day older. She sighed and carefully wrapped up the dress in tissue paper.
    All she could have ever have with Isaac was sex. It was probably for the best that she was leaving instead of tangling herself up with a man she couldn’t have. In Annwyn she would find herself a fairy lover to take her mind off all the heartache human men had caused her over the years.
    There was nothing in the mortal world for her anymore.
    No friends. No lovers. No royal courts. They were all long gone.
    She had to give Annwyn a try. A new ruler would mean a fresh start. Perhaps that was what she needed more than anything else.
    She changed clothes to look like Ella Aaron instead of Eletta, the freezing fairy in tracksuit pants and jumpers trying to stay warm. Jeans and a shirt with a thermal T-shirt underneath, were more of Ella’s look. She was beginning to feel as though she’d never be warm again. When she put gel in her hair to add texture and style, she was sure she was paler, her skin more translucent. She wasn’t wasting away and getting ready to die, but the failing magic of Annwyn was starting to affect her more.

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