The Choice

Read The Choice for Free Online

Book: Read The Choice for Free Online
Authors: Suzanne Woods Fisher
Tags: FIC042000
and used for parking. Really, it’s perfect. We’re hoping we won’t even need double fairways.” She turned to Carrie. “Safety can be a factor with double fairways, you know.”
    Carrie didn’t understand her words, or the meaning behind them, so she answered with silence.
    “Of course, we have to get rid of that old carriage house and that barn. So many rickety old barns in this area.” She made a clucking sound.
    “There’s a saying in the Plain life: ‘A farm is not a farm without its barn,’ ” Carrie said.
    Veronica opened her mouth to say something, then snapped it shut and tilted her head at Carrie, puzzled.
    “The Amish build their barns first. When the farm is successful, a good house follows. To the Amish, a barn is more important than a house.”
    Veronica shook that thought off, then resumed her sales pitch. “And this property holds excellent proximity to Honor Mansion, which is really why I’m here.” She spun around to face Carrie. “The hotel was recently bought by my corporation, Bonnatt’s Development Company. First, we have plans for a major renovation on the mansion. You know, day spa, tennis courts, and then, a golf course.” She flashed a brilliant smile, revealing white, even teeth. “So, Carrie, how much would you like for it?”
    Carrie admired this woman’s tenacity, but she had work to do. “Thank you, but as I said, it’s not for sale.”
    Veronica sighed. “Is there anyone else whom I could speak to?”
    “You could talk to Eli Miller. He’s just coming up from the barn now.” Eli, Daniel, and a few other men were walking toward them from the barn. They had been examining where to put the blacksmithing shop that they planned as a sideline business. Apples alone weren’t enough to pay the bills.
    “Which one is he?” Veronica asked. “They all look alike! Blue shirts, black trousers with suspenders, straw hats—”
    “He’s the only one with whiskers. Only married men wear whiskers. The bachelors are clean shaven.” Daniel’s jawline just showed the shadow of a new beard.
    She squinted her eyes. “The one who looks like he’s got a shoehorn wrapped around his chin?”
    “That’s Eli.”
    “So a beard takes the place of a wedding ring?”
    She nearly surprised a smile out of Carrie, the way this woman talked. Carrie nodded.
    “Thank you, Carrie!” Veronica called out, as she hurried toward Eli.
    Carrie couldn’t resist a grin when she saw how quickly Eli shooed Veronica McCall off. They all stood and watched as she zoomed away in her little car. Her red hair flew behind her like a flag waving in the wind.
    “Englisch,” Eli muttered, shaking his head as he passed by Carrie to head into the house.

    With help from neighbors, Carrie and Daniel moved into the farmhouse at the apple orchard by week’s end. Since Carrie and Daniel married in September, with their apple crop ready to harvest and sell, they skipped the honeymoon visits to relatives.
    Carrie knew that Andy was never fond of school, but she couldn’t understand why, after the first few weeks, he seemed reluctant to leave the house each morning. “You’re sure you’re not sick?” she asked him, putting a cool hand to his forehead.
    “Nah,” he said, pulling away from her. “But maybe you should pack me another brownie. I get awful hungry.”
    “But I packed you two yesterday. How could you still be hungry?” Carrie asked, frowning. “And put your shoes on. You are not to go barefoot. Ever, ever, ever. You know that. Too much risk of cutting yourself.”
    Andy sighed wearily and bent down to put his socks and shoes on. Daniel was sipping his coffee, his eyes on Andy, narrowed slightly in the way of a man studying a mildly perturbing question.
    Carrie packed up a third brownie and handed Andy his lunch pail, then opened the door for him. “Go, Andy! You’ll be late!” Andy poked his head out the door, looked both ways before stepping out on the porch, then lit into a sprint and flew

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