The Clever Fox: Part Two (The Pleasure Hound Series)

Read The Clever Fox: Part Two (The Pleasure Hound Series) for Free Online

Book: Read The Clever Fox: Part Two (The Pleasure Hound Series) for Free Online
Authors: Ines Johnson
the victor.  
    “I gave you one advantage with the documents,” she said. “You took one the other night when you were on your knees.”
    Rather than take offense, the reference made him smile.  
    “Two advantages to you” she continued. “As a man, perhaps now you’re evenly matched with me.”
    Emet let out a bark of laughter, delight written clearly on his face. This was the look she was used to getting from males. One where she had their full attention, one where they was putty in her hands. She’d never before been so pleased to gain a man’s veneration.
    “Today, the kid gloves are off,” she said. “I promise to bring you to your knees.”
    This time the desire that flared in his eyes was crystal clear. “I look forward to it my lady.”
    Alyss faltered at the clear invitation. She had never imagined doing something like they did before last night. Now, she wondered if she would ever do it again. She couldn’t imagine allowing another male anywhere near that part of her body. Well, perhaps maybe Adom. But her mind, her body, had no trouble imagining Emet worshipping her on his knees again and again.
    “I see I’ve misjudged you,” he said. “I thought you were more concerned with your hair bows than the issues.”
    Alyss reached up to check her hair.
    Emet let out another laugh. His eyes sparkled as he watched her check the placement of her barrettes. Heads within the chamber turned to catch what caused the sound. Alyss caught her Mother’s golden-brown eyes shoot lasers at her.
    “Its a shame we’re adversaries,” Emet said. “In another life, I think we might’ve been…mildly cordial.”
    “There you go again thinking too highly of yourself.” But there was no bite to her words, no snark. Emet was the first male she didn’t want to send off on an out-of-season berry mission. She didn’t mind when he stuck around in Adom’s studio. She didn’t mind standing and talking with him now in front of the entire chamber. But after today, that would be impossible.
    He bowed as though he saw it too. He stepped aside and allowed her to pass without another comment.
    Alyss stepped into the chamber and was immediately accosted by her Mother.
    “What was that about?”
    “Just buttering up the competition, Mother.” Alyss avoided her Mother’s probing gaze. “He won’t stand a change.”
    Emet walked in, accompanied by the Male Voice. When he arrived at the podium next to Alyss, he turned and bowed. All familiarity gone from the brief, professional glance he gave to her. She felt her heart shrink at the loss of his smile.
    “The Chamber of Worship has dropped their opposition,” her Mother said in her ear.
    “What?” Alyss glanced over to see Lady Milysa sitting in the audience alongside Sister Roslyn. “How? Why?”
    “Never mind how.”  
    Clearly her Mother had pushed some buttons and pulled some strings in order for Sister Roslyn to drop her opposition, but Alyss didn’t press. Facing only one opponent would make it easier for her.  
    “You only face the Male Voice’s advocate as opposition. We have half the sister’s on our side. Only the Chamber of Art and Culture and the Chamber of Energy remain undecided. All you need to do is present the information coherently and this will be done. You’ll likely be given an apprenticeship within the month.”
    If Alyss moved up in the ranks she’d be free of her Mother for good, able to support herself without her Mother or Grand Mother. Perhaps she could even see Adom again from time to time and pose for another painting. Perhaps Emet might sit in a corner. One day, perhaps, maybe he’d talk to her again. Perhaps, maybe, help her hold a pose again.
    Alyss turned to face the Sisterhood. She ran her hand over her dress. She’d worn a monotone color today. She hoped it made her look serious, scientific, like her sister Merlyn. Beside her, Emet gripped the podium, looking straight ahead. The only movement came from his booted foot that

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