The Delicate Matter of Lady Blayne

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Book: Read The Delicate Matter of Lady Blayne for Free Online
Authors: Natasha Blackthorne
Tags: Romance, Historical, Gothic, Regency, Historical Romance, Victorian, Scottish
    It was coming, oh God, it was really and truly coming this time—
    She froze, startled, as the cultured masculine tone, both familiar and dear, registered in her pleasure-dazed mind. On a choked gasp, she opened her eyes.

Chapter Three
    Freddy sat beside her on the bed, the firelight casting shades of orange on his fair hair.
    Dizzily, she reached up to him. His image wavered, moving just out of her reach, no matter how she angled her hand.
    Never could she touch him. She could only see him.
    He moved farther away. Distant, yet watching, his expression disapproving.
    Sunny’s blood went cold. All the glorious tension inside her turned to that ache she knew so well.
    Too well.
    She dropped her outstretched hand and then rolled on to her side.
    Away from Freddy’s watchful eyes.
    But it was no good. The moment was spoiled.
    “No, no!” She groaned and beat her fists into the featherbed and kicked her feet as the misery settled over her. Oh God, she had been close, so close.
    Closer than ever.
    Why couldn’t it just…just happen?
    She was broken now. Broken forever.
    It was fitting punishment for her wickedness.
    Oh, but I cannot bear it! Tears rolled down her cheeks, wetting the sheets.
    The knock at her door brought her out of her self-pity. She scrambled over to the edge of the bed, reached down and jerked the coverlet up and over her nakedness.
    A futile move. She knew that the chamber smelt of her sex, her arousal.
    Shame burnt into her.
    But more than shame, a dry-mouthed, weak-legged sensation crawled over her. Her stomach quavered.
    They were always watchful for signs that she had misbehaved. They would know instantly what she had been about. The telltale scent of her arousal, the flush on her cheeks. They would know.
    Oh God, they would call for Dr. Meeker.
    She had known, too, that it would come to this. But she could never stop herself from trying.
    She longed for release so badly. She ached constantly from the longing.
    She was broken that way.
    No matter that she hadn’t come. That she never did.
    They would still send for Dr. Meeker. Because ladies did not do such depraved things. It was for a man to give or withhold pleasure. A husband.
    Dr. Meeker would try to fix her. There would be an increased frequency of treatments for this lapse.
    Oh God!
    Waves and waves of horror washed over her. Shaking her to the pit of her belly. Sickening her and freezing her to the bone.
    From a distance, Freddy still watched her. She didn’t need to look to know he was still there.
    She could feel him.
    But she knew he wouldn’t stand in the doctor’s way. He never did.
    A wicked girl like her deserved this. And more.
    Punishment without ceasing.
    * * * *
    Steaming fragrance wafted up from the roast beef. It was crispy and brown on the outside, just the right color of pink inside. James sliced through the tender meat with his knife and juice poured forth, spilling onto the fine china plate. Succulent, enticing. He speared a forkful of the meat, lifted it and placed it into his mouth. He chewed slowly, waiting for the pleasure to register.
    It didn’t. He might as well have been eating salt pork and hardtack.
    The lady across from him laughed again at something her companion had said. Too loudly.
    The sound grated on him and he looked up.
    Eyes the color of whisky caught his. She fluttered her lashes. He caught a glimpse of flashing diamonds and emeralds against ivory bosoms swelling above a daringly low bodice. Her eyes held his.
    A blatant invitation there.
    For the new Baron Blayne, of course. He was suddenly quite the eligible titled bachelor. And he must choose a bride from these silly highborn chits, the same ones who would have considered a mere naval officer a lesser choice.
    Oh God, save me from the triteness of it all.
    This dinner party had been held in his honor. To welcome him home. But the other people around him, the polite chatter and restrained

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