The Electrician's Code

Read The Electrician's Code for Free Online

Book: Read The Electrician's Code for Free Online
Authors: Clarissa Draper
Tags: detective, Mystery
going to re-visit your uncle.”

Chapter Eight
    T he body was hoisted into the bus by ten. Theo stood in the drive as the workers wrapped up their various assignments. The pathologist sang a chipper tune. For them, the case was well underway, but for him, it was only the beginning.
    “What do you have for me?” Theo asked. “Please tell me everything I need to know to solve this case.”
    “Oh, and ruin your fun? I think not.” Dr. Waynton leaned in, almost touching Theo’s cheek with his nose. “However, I will be happy to tell you what I know. First of all: our man has one leg. That, my friends, did not happen this morning. Also, he was stabbed once in the chest. That did happen this morning, and it was fatal. I would imagine he died almost instantly. I see no other marks or wounds other than a small one on the back of the head, which he most likely received when he fell backwards. As far as I can tell, he was not beat up or anything. That is my point.”
    “Time of death?” Theo asked.
    “Around seven this morning give or take a half hour or so. For now, that’s all I have for you. However, after the postmortem is complete, I should be able to tell you more.” Waynton made his way to his car, but stopped. “Uh, Blackwell, I forgot. There is something else. Talk to SOCO. I bagged a note found in our victim’s robe pocket. We couldn’t understand what it meant but it might be key to the case.”
    “Thank you.”
    Immediately, Theo headed off in the direction of the SOCO van. Four or five men were loading totes of supplies and evidence. A young man in a blue jumpsuit, clearly SOCO, turned and gave Theo a nod.
    “You’re here about the note,” the man said and held out his hand. “Woolsey, Ryan Woolsey.” He removed his latex glove and grabbed Theo’s hand to shake it heartily. From a box in the bus, he retrieved a clear bag. Inside was a small nicely cut and laminated square piece of paper.
    Theo looked down at the note: Why Run Backward You’ll Vomit .
    “That’s it?” Theo asked. He turned the note over a few times as if the movement might reveal more words. “What does it mean?”
    “I’ve asked everyone on the scene if they’ve heard this expression and it’s a no. Sorry. Perhaps we’ll find a key to the note in the papers we took from his house.”
    “All right. Anything else?”
    “We have collected a fair bit but it may not all be relevant. It really is hard to say at this point. No reliable footprints and we’re not sure if there were any fingerprints on the knife, we still have to clean it up a bit. That will all take time.”
    Typical. There was a flurry of updates with absolutely nothing updated. He wasn’t closer to finding a motive to this senseless homicide. With all the information he gathered, all he had was that some person walked up to an old man in the street early in the morning and stabbed him then disappeared into thin air.
    No one just stabs a person, not in this neighborhood, not like this. He was missing something and he really hoped that the upstairs flat contained a wealth of information he could use. Sadly, he doubted it. But, random, senseless violence was not what he wanted to write down in the report. That would be running backward and why would he want to run backward? He’d vomit.
    “Boss,” Dorland yelled behind him. “Found them.” When Theo turned, Dorland jangled the keys in front of his face.
    “Wonderful.” He walked up to Dorland and handed him the note. Dorland read it a few times just to make sure he had read it right and shrugged his shoulders.
    “Doctor’s note?” Dorland hazarded a guess.
    “Obviously,” Theo said, “and with such wise advice, it is only natural one would want to laminate it and keep it in their pocket in case a one-legged man would have the desire. Then he could easily pull out the note and read it and remember, that not only could he not run forward without vomiting, that yes, he could also not run backward

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