The Emperor's New Nightingale
mind and I will convince her to sing for me in front of the Song Krystal.”
    Trall pinned him with a hard glare. “I take Julie’s care seriously . If you are wrong and you hurt her…” Although the threat hung unsaid, Orin heeded Trall’s warning.
    “Never have my forefathe rs been wrong and neither am I. She is mine.”
    Trall’s head nodded in a bow of respect. Orin’s gaze turned back to his prize.

    Chapter Five
    Oh. My. God! Never did a pair of deep, blue eyes, or a handsome face made her heart gallop—or her body tremble—the way Rin’s did.
    He broke the hotter than hot scale. No one should be allowed to ooze this much sex appeal; it should be outlawed on every planet in the galaxy.
    “Julie, are you all right? Your face looks more pink than usual.” Mik brushed up to her after delivering drinks to a full table of customers.
    All three of the other tavern maids were rushed off their feet running food and drinks.
    “ Fine, Mik.” She beamed a smile at her friend.
    Inside , she was far from fine. Her stomach fluttered with nerves, thinking about Rin watching her, listening to her song. Even now, she felt the weight of his intense stare on her back. Damn it, why was she acting like a foolish schoolgirl?
    Drawing in a deep breath , she pulled herself together and stepped up onto the stage. Cheers and whistles rang out.
    She gripped the microphone Trall fashioned for her , but she didn’t really need one. He explained how the music machine behind the blue curtain fed off her brain waves, so all she needed to do was think about the music in her mind, and it flowed out.
    The crowd hushed and she felt the rhythm of her heart picking up the tempo. The song she planned to sing tonight flew from her mind, replaced with another.
    Her foot tapped to the drumbeat now joining t he music. She lifted the microphone, smiled at the audience and started to sing.
    Kiss me out of the bearded barely… nightly, beside the green, green grass
    Swing, swing, swing the spinning step, you wear those shoes and I will wear that dress…
    Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight… Lead me out on the moonlit floor
    Lift your open hand, strike up the band and make the fireflies dance
    Silver moon sparkling, so kiss me….
    The music faded out and every one of the tavern patrons jumped to their feet. Frillip chips rained like confetti. Julie smiled in gratitude at their boisterous adoration.
    Trill came over to act as a bodyguard, when a few more excited Ario men pressed forward to shower her with more personal praise. She heard a few offer to pleasure her in their beds and to drape her in gems, if she would grant them a personal performance.
    She held her smile, shook her head at the offers and slipped away to the back of the tavern, opened the outer door and stepped into the small, private courtyard for some peace.
    Julie gazed up . The brilliance of the stars above and the pink and orange circle around the moon never ceased to amaze her.
    She drew in slow , steady breaths, trying to calm her pounding heart. Was she out of mind to sing such a song? It seemed each song came from somewhere deep inside, and she knew exactly who it was directed to this time. Was it a personal statement, a want or a need perhaps?
    Foolish, lusting after a man she only briefly met.
    “You are stronger and braver than that, Julie.” She hasn’t muttered to herself since she left Earth.
    “ You’re strong, brave and have an amazing voice.”
    She drew in a sharp breath, her eyes dropping to come into direct contact with Rin’s intense blue gaze, alight with the sizzling flames of desire. She saw the same look on many of the other men who came to the tavern to hear her sing, but somehow, his is different, more intense. The others didn’t affect her as his did.
    Only a foot of distance between them—she didn’t hear him approach.
    She swallowed hard before frowning with concern. “Trall doesn’t usually let people back

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