The Heart's Domination (Touched By You 3)

Read The Heart's Domination (Touched By You 3) for Free Online

Book: Read The Heart's Domination (Touched By You 3) for Free Online
Authors: Emily Jane Trent
was on the roof patio. The heaters were turned up to warm the small space. The view of nearby rooftops and apartments was friendly and Parisian. Natalie sat next to Tanner and nibbled at her croissant. The cappuccino was delicious. Tanner must have warned the cook that it was her favorite, as it was perfectly brewed and the milk steamed to just the right amount of foam.
    The morning was cold , but felt fresh and exhilarating. Tanner leaned back and looked at her. “You are so lovely. Paris is the perfect backdrop for you.”
    Natalie blushed, knowing that he was exaggerating , but enjoying it anyway. “You are the lovely one,” she said, looking at his auburn highlights shimmering in the morning sun.
    “I must confess, baby,” Tanner continued. “I need you desperately. I think about you night and day, even when I’m working – something I never thought a woman would do to me. But you do. I crave you…” He stopped, but seemed to have more to say. Natalie waited.
    “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted a woman. You are an exquisite combination of innocent beauty and female sexuality. I want to make the most of it. And, I have some things in mind – things I’d like to do with you while we are in Paris. What better city than Paris, the most romantic city in the world?
    What I have in mind is going farther than we have. You excite me. I’m tempted to push the boundaries, but only if you want to. I’ll never force you. Remember, this is for your enjoyment as much as mine.”
    Natalie looked at him, unsure what he wanted. It seemed to her that they’d pushed boundaries already. She tried to imagine how far they could go. She felt a moment of anxiety considering how far she would be willing to go.
    “I’ve surprised myself. I never thought I’d be doing what we do together sexually,” she replied. You are constantly leading me into unfamiliar water. But it’s exciting. Even acts that would surely be considered taboo have been pleasurable. It’s confusing but enticing , at the same time.
    I want to see what else we can do together. I really do, even though a part of me says I shouldn’t. But I try not to listen to that part. I want to please you. I crave you as much as you crave me. I cannot imagine life without you – I wouldn’t want it.”
    Tanner’s blue eyes blazed. She’d just given him the green light and his cock was hard. He felt his conscience nag at him. He still felt concern that he’d hurt her, even though he hadn’t so far. Could he satisfy his needs, without letting the demons of his soul destroy everything? He thought he could. Anyway, he couldn’t restrain himself around Natalie. He had no desire to.
    “Tonight…we will start,” he declared. His eyes pierced into her and it communicated as a threat. Natalie reassured herself that this was for pleasure, his and hers. There was nothing to worry about, was there?

13 – Locked Room
    Tanner was out most of the day. He had business in Champagne. Natalie had a driver at her ser vice but she chose to spend the time in the villa. It was beautiful and cozy. Since Tanner was working, she decided to do the same, completing details on her new line. Plus, she had to look over some designs for Tanner, the start of her consulting work for Clarke Luxury Brands.
    She tried not to think of later. The mystery of what Tanner had planned for later caused butterflies in her stomach, so she tried to keep her mind off of it. She took time late in the day to look around and get more familiar with his Paris home. Down the hall from the library was a wooden door she hadn’t noticed before. It was locked and that puzzled her.
    Reaching a slender hand up to the top of the door frame, Natalie found a small key hidden there. She held it in her open palm, at odds with herself. Did Tanner have anything to hide from her? Should she ask if it was okay to see what was inside? But her curiosity overrode her hesitation. She wanted to know more about Tanner.
    The key

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