The Hoodoo Detective
took the elevator to the fourth floor.
    The hallway walls were painted a soft blue, and a river of gold-painted whorls rippled through them. She ran her hands lightly along the golden trail, its texture tickling her fingertips. Why had she believed the Old Man?
    Rounding the corner, she stopped outside Pen's door, rapping lightly with her knuckles.
    Riga shifted, waiting. Knocked again.
    Pen didn’t answer.
    She extended her senses into Pen’s hotel room, a gentle push of her aura, felt life, energy, magic.
    A mild shock zapped her.
    Grimacing, she retracted her aura. Pen had pushed back. On the positive side, that meant she was practicing her defenses. On the negative side... Ow. Riga rubbed her shoulder, which had taken the brunt of the charge.
    Pulling out her phone, she texted: We need 2 talk.
    She sensed rather than saw the man, a pressure of air, a blur in the corner of her eye.
    Riga spun, and the man hit her in the chest. She staggered back, nearly tumbling to the carpet. His hand grasped her neck and lifted her, pressing her against the wall. Pain blossomed in her throat, a hot ache.
    He was big, close, his nose flattened like a boxer's, but he dressed like a businessman. Beside her, just out of reach, was a fire alarm. She stretched. If she could pull it, get attention...
    She crashed her forearm atop his. His grip didn't loosen.
    Against the wall, she couldn't turn, couldn't move to break free. Dots swam before her eyes. His breath was hot on her cheek, and smelled of onions and crawfish and beer.
    She curled her hands into claws. Swiping down in quick, short motions, she slashed at his eyes, drawing lines of blood across his cheeks.
    He swore, blinking, raising his hands to his eyes.
    She kicked him in the crotch.
    He doubled over, and she smashed her knee into his face. Riga whirled on the fire alarm and saw the extinguisher nearby. Wrenching it off the wall, she bashed him in the back of the head.
    Pen’s door opened. She stuck her head out, paled.
    “Call security,” Riga croaked. “Get help.”
    Pen ducked inside and slammed the door.
    The man lay face down on the ground now, groaning.
    She dropped one knee on his back, the other on his neck, eliciting another gasp of pain.
    A hit man in an alley, and now an attack in her hotel? It wasn't a coincidence.
    Rage blossomed, a veil of red drawing across her vision. Her breath came in short rasps. She grabbed one of his arms and wrenched it upward, locking the shoulder, propping his arm between her knees.
    The attack on her wasn't random, it wasn't a coincidence, and this time she was going to get answers.

Chapter 5
    A metal door bammed open. Two men in black t-shirts with SECURITY emblazoned across their chests charged down the hotel hallway. They were built like pro-wrestlers. No hair. No necks.
    Riga knew what was coming next, but made the effort anyway. “I'm a hotel guest, restraining this man for the—”
    One grabbed her by her collar and threw her to the floor. The fire extinguisher clunked at her feet.
    “—police.” She gasped as he drove his knee into her back. Karma was a bitch, and her muscles quivered at the insult. “He assaulted me.”
    “You can tell it to the cops.” Her captor let up some of the pressure on her back.
    Riga knew the drill. Keep everyone restrained and sort it out later. “He's dangerous. Don’t let him up,” she rasped. Her attacker had done a number on her throat.
    “He’s not going anywhere.”
    Her attacker groaned.
    She turned her head, cheek pressed into the carpet.
    The other guard checked out her attacker, one hand on his shoulder. “This guy’s hurt bad. I think he needs an ambulance.” Guard Number Two looked to his colleague.
    Her attacker rolled to his feet, knocked Guard Two into the wall.
    Guard One cursed, didn't let Riga go.
    Riga kicked out, sent the extinguisher rolling, imagined it tangling between her attacker's legs. Breathing the in-between, she felt the extinguisher spin, his feet

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