The Jagged Heart

Read The Jagged Heart for Free Online

Book: Read The Jagged Heart for Free Online
Authors: Trinity Lee
Tags: Romance, Gay, Sex, anal, oral, Erotic Romance, mm, rock star, manlove
tour again, and he'd be on his own again.
    Caedem brought
Phoenix's palm to his mouth and kissed it, and then sucked his
fingers, holding his gaze, until Phoenix felt himself melt inside
and all his reservations slip away.
    "I feel alive
again," he whispered. "And it's all because of you. I'm in love
with you, Phoenix."
    Phoenix felt
him lick down the outside of his throat, sharp teeth graze his
collarbone, as Caedem pinned his arms above his head, teasing
around his nipples with his tongue and then tracing down with his
tongue to the little trail of hair that led down from Phoenix's
belly button.
    Then he shucked
off his own clothes and rolled on top of him, gasping as his hard
cock rubbed against Phoenix's belly, making both of them shiver
with anticipation.
    He spat in his
hand and grasped both of their shafts together, running his hand up
and down as though he was playing some kind of heavenly guitar
solo, until Phoenix had to beg him: "Go easy or I'm gonna shoot my
load right now. I been so hot for you for so long."
    There was a
wicked amusement in Caedem's eyes that he had never seen before,
and he suddenly had a hint of what Caedem must have been like in
the days before Taylor and the drugs. Phoenix knew that his life
would never be the same now, that he was properly, crazily,
head-over-heels in love, and that he had given his heart to this
beautiful, fragile stranger to do whatever he wanted with it.
    And Caedem
laughed, and whispered against his mouth, "You been hot for me?
Nothing compared with how hot I've been for you."
    They lay still
for a minute, Phoenix willing himself back from the brink. If the
mere touch of Caedem's skin against his could do this, he wondered
how long he could possibly last if...
    He groaned.
    "Good thing we
got all night," he said, nipping at Caedem's lips and running his
hands over the beautiful hard curves of his back and butt, until
his fingers found something unfamiliar, something alien on the
surface of Caedem's smooth skin.
    "What is it?"
he asked in panic, his first thought as his fingers found the
surgical dressing on Caedem's hip that maybe he had lied to him,
and that his newfound lightness of being was drug-related.
    But Caedem
raised Phoenix's hand to his mouth and kissed it and said, "Have a
look - I was going to show you. I asked Dylan to get Sam to do me a
    "You were out
getting a tattoo all the time I was going out of my mind with worry
this afternoon?" huffed Phoenix.
    "Shh. Have a
look and you'll understand."
    And when
Phoenix peeled back the dressing, he saw the jagged heart was
jagged no more: it had been turned into a whole heart, and in the
middle were Caedem's initials entwined with his.
    "You crazy
bastard," he said, half-crying. "We've known each other less than a
week and you've got my name on your hip."
    "It's on my
heart, not my hip," said Caedem, cupping his face and giving him
another of those endless, sweet kisses. "And it's to show you that
part of my heart doesn't belong to Taylor any more. It's
    Phoenix smiled
to think that mentioning Taylor didn't cause a problem between them
any more, that his name was just another word that was in both
their pasts.
    "I want you to
fuck me," he whispered. "Really hard, like you mean it, even if it
hurts like hell."
    There was a
moment's doubt in Caedem's eyes, and then they darkened with desire
as he slid down Phoenix's belly and swiped at his dick with his
tongue, making Phoenix moan with anticipation as he licked around
the damp curls of his public hair and his ballsack before returning
to the tip of his cock, sucking it so delicately and then so hard
that Phoenix had to use all his willpower not to tip right over the
    He sighed as he
felt Caedem's tongue probing his ass, and then a moment's
discomfort as he sank in one finger, then two. And then he heard
the crackle of the condom wrapper and the sensation of the

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