The Jungle of Horrors

Read The Jungle of Horrors for Free Online

Book: Read The Jungle of Horrors for Free Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
points towards the sky. Floating in the air between her parted hands appears a spinning globe of white fire. She tilts back her head and stares into this ball of flame, her eyes unblinking despite the fearful intensity of the light. ‘Your safest passage to the Danarg is through the Mordril Forest,’ she says solemnly. ‘The road to Syada is fraught with danger — only battle and death await you there.’
    The globe flickers and fades and Tadia returns her gaze to you. ‘Let nothing delay your quest, Lone Wolf. The future of both our lands depends on your success.’
    Before you leave the prophetess offers you a choice of potions and weapons. You may take whatever you wish but remember to amend your Action Chart accordingly. Choose from the following:
Potion of Alether — increases COMBAT SKILL by 2 points for the duration of a single combat.
Potion of Laumspur — restores 4 ENDURANCE points (enough for one dose).
Rendalim's Elixir — restores 6 ENDURANCE points (enough for one dose).
Tincture of Oxydine — restores 2 ENDURANCE points (enough for one dose).
    All potions are Backpack Items. If you are infected with the korovax bacillus, you may use the Tincture of Oxydine to cure yourself.
    Once you have made your choice you leave the Ferry House and continue.
    Turn to 89 .

    You leap from the saddle, narrowly avoiding being pulled off the tree-bridge. Your horse and the hideous creature both disappear from view, quickly swallowed up by the spray from the waterfall. As you land on the slippery wet wood, Paido's horse rears up on its hind legs, its forelegs kicking the air and its eyes rolling madly. He fights to control the animal but it is wild with fear and, with a crack of splintering wood, its hind hoof shears through a rotten branch; it totters on the brink. Paido swings his legs clear and abandons his doomed horse barely seconds before it falls into the watery abyss.

    Turn to 31 .

    Unfortunately, she lost all her maps and equipment while escaping from the Danarg. However, she clearly recalls seeing the Temple of Ohrido from the peak of a hill she calls ‘The Scarlet Tor’, which is situated on an island of firm ground, thirty miles beyond the Syada track. You thank her for her help and wish her good fortune before leaving the shop and continuing on your way.
    Turn to 204 .

    Kezoor lies dead, but Paido warns you not to approach the body. ‘I've heard tell that these priests of evil can awaken after death to avenge themselves. Stand back and I'll make sure this one never returns to haunt us.’
    Paido raises his sword and severs Kezoor's head with one swift stroke. Both eyelids spring open revealing eyes burning red with hatred, but the fire quickly dies and the eyes turn a misty grey.
    ‘There, it is done,’ says Paido, wiping his sword on the sleeve of his tunic. He steps back and looks around. ‘Where is Trost?’
    You cast your eyes to the place where he fell and see a fire-blackened body covered with the remains of incinerated spiders. ‘There he is,’ you say sadly. Paido takes a blanket from his Backpack and drapes it over the corpse before reciting the words of the Knurla  — a Vakeros prayer for those who have fallen in battle.
    Turn to 80 .

    This blue-steel blade was forged in the furnaces of Elzian, crafted by the Elder Magi as an instrument of good. The Helghast senses its latent power and hurriedly casts another sparking fireball, but it is poorly aimed. You strike the missile as you vault over the table, sending it hurtling back to its sender. It glances off the creature's shoulder and jars the staff from its shrunken hand. You seize the advantage and attack before it can retrieve the deadly weapon.
    Gnaag Helghast: COMBAT SKILL  28    ENDURANCE  40
    This creature is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge). Unless you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen, you must reduce your ENDURANCE by 2 points at the beginning of every round that

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