The Lisa Series

Read The Lisa Series for Free Online

Book: Read The Lisa Series for Free Online
Authors: Charles Arnold
Tags: Erótica
    “Well, say it.”
    Lisa looked down at the floor, her face turning red. When she spoke again there was a tremor in her voice that suggested she might be on the verge of hysteria. “I want you...Frank honey, I...I want you me.”
    The men laughed. “Frank, you sure are one lucky son-of-a-bitch!” someone yelled.
    “Ask her does she give head,” someone else shouted.
    “Yeah, maybe she could show us.”
    “Come on, Frank,” Ryan said, “let’s party with your little girlfriend.”
    Once more Lisa put her arms around Frank and, looking up at him, the tears streaking her cheeks begged him, “Please, Frank, take me home. Please...whatever you want...I’ll do it good...I promise, Frank honey...I’ll do it good.” I couldn’t stand it any longer. I started toward them. Frank saw me and held up his hand. “Okay, baby, we’ll go.” He reached for Lisa’s coat and draped it over her shoulders. “While I finish my drink, you get yourself together and put on fresh lipstick.”
    Lisa searched through her purse for a handkerchief and wiped her eyes. “Thank you, honey, thank you,” she said. She found her lipstick.
    “You can thank me later,” Frank smiled, “on your knees.”
    The men laughed again. “She going to suck it, Frank?” one of the men shouted.
    “Of course she is, ain’t you, babe?”
    Lisa was applying her lipstick attempting to steady her trembling hand. “Yes, honey.”
    “Say it,” he demanded.
    “Yes, honey, I want suck.” I don’t believe she fully understood what that meant. She was ready to agree to anything in order to get Frank to leave.
    “Suck what?”
    “I...I...don’t...” Frank grabbed his crotch. “I...want to…to suck your...your...penis.” The men howled with derisive laughter.
    “Your penis!” Al shouted. “She gonna suck old Frank’s penis. Shit, Frank, do you know where the fuck your penis is?” They laughed again as Frank once more grabbed his crotch. Lisa’s eyes were filling with tears. “Guess I gotta teach the little lady some vocabulary,” Frank said. He sat his glass down and, placing his arm around Lisa, led her toward the door, waving to the cheering crowd with his other hand.
    “Anytime she has to pee, Frank, you just bring her on down to Ryan’s!” Al shouted.
    “Yeah, Frank,” Ryan yelled, “It’s always free drinks and party time for you and your little woman. She’s a pisser!” Everyone laughed.

Chapter Four
    First Night
    It was after 3:00 AM when Lisa returned to our apartment. I expected her to shower, but she came immediately to the bedroom, placed something on the bedside table, undressed, and slid, naked, under the covers beside me. I turned to hold her, but she moved to the edge of the bed.
    “No, Billy, the rules are that you mustn’t touch me.” Her voice was flat. She lay staring at the ceiling. I could smell her sex and lingering traces of her perfume. “He also said I wasn’t to shower until morning. That way, you would be reminded of where...of what...” her voice trailed off and she was silent again.
    After awhile, she took a deep breath and began to speak. “I have to turn this on,” she said, reaching for the object she’d put next to the bed. “It’s a recorder. He wants me to tell you everything that happened. I’m to try to describe it in detail and leave nothing out. He wants me to tell what I was feeling and even things I was thinking. I have to include all of the things he said and everything I said.” Her voice began to quiver, and I thought she might cry. “He said I have to record it now, tonight, before I forget things.” She paused. “I’m not sure I can do this, Billy. The last four hours have been horrible, worse than I could ever have imagined. That man, Billy, he’s...he’s, and cruel, the things...the things he made me say...the things I had to do...” she paused again to regain control. “The worst part is that he set

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