The Magic in Your Touch

Read The Magic in Your Touch for Free Online

Book: Read The Magic in Your Touch for Free Online
Authors: Sara Bell
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance, Gay
“See that hill over there?”
“That’s where we’re going. You able to walk that far, or do you want me to carry you?”
Nate snorted. “Like you could.”
    Brandon’s leer was so sexy, damned if Nate didn’t get hard again. Six years without a response to a flesh and blood man, and now, after less than three hours in Brandon’s company, he was so horny he needed fresh boxers.
Just when he thought he couldn’t get any harder, Brandon said, “Baby, I could carry you if I wanted to, but once I get you in my arms I’m sure I can think of better things to do than hauling you around.”
Nate’s mouth went dry. “Look, Brandon—”
“Relax, Nate. I’m not gonna jump you. Hasn’t anybody ever flirted with you before?”
Nate shook his head. “It’s been a while.”
“Sexy guy like you? I find that hard to believe.”
“Amy calls me a turtle. She says once I get hurt, I hide out in my shell so no one can touch me again.”
“Maybe it’s time to change that.”
    Brandon led him to the top of the rise and said, “Close your eyes.” Nate could hear him shaking out the blanket and spreading it on the ground. A warm hand closed over Nate’s cold fingers and pulled him forward. The same strong hands exerted gentle pressure on Nate’s shoulders until he was sitting on the ground. He felt Brandon slide down next to him. “O.K., Nate. Open your eyes.”
    Nate felt the breath catch in his throat as he looked out on the scene some fifty feet below. He and Bran were seated on a bluff overlooking an open field and a large pond. On the other side of the field was a wall of trees, all sporting their fall leaves. The reds and yellows cast their reflection on the moonlit pond, giving the whole valley a magic effect.
“My God. It’s unbelievable.”
    Brandon nodded. “I come here when I want to think, or when I have a problem and need to step away from it for a little while. I used to spend the night with my grandparents just so I could sneak out here after they went to bed.” He paused for a moment, considering his next words. “I spent a lot of time out here the summer I realized I was gay.”
    For some reason, Nate had never considered that Brandon might have had a hard time dealing with his homosexuality. He was so confident, Nate just assumed he’d always been that way. “How old were you?”
“Fifteen. At least, that’s how old I was when I finally admitted it to myself. I think on some level, I always knew I was different, but fifteen was the age when I couldn’t hide it anymore.”
“What happened when you were fifteen?”
    Brandon grinned. “Billy Watson. He got into his daddy’s porn stash and brought over some girlie magazines. Billy got hard from looking at the pictures and I got hard from watching Billy. Those naked women did nothing for me, but the bulge in Billy’s jeans made my dick puff right up. I knew at that moment that I couldn’t hide it anymore. At least, not from myself. Telling everybody else was a different story entirely.”
Normally Nate hated to stick his nose into other people’s business, but something about Bran’s manner made him feel alright about asking questions. “So, how did you come out to your family?”
    “When I was in high-school, I dated girls as a cover. I made sure I never got serious with any one girl so I couldn’t be accused of leading anybody on. Now that I look back on it, it was pretty stupid of me not to just tell the truth. I mean, Reed is actually a pretty gay-friendly town. Several of the major businesses in Reed are owned by same-sex couples. There were even a few guys in my graduating class who were ‘out,’ but I just didn’t have the balls to tell my family the truth. I decided that when I went away to college I was going to have a real relationship with a guy.” He laughed, that husky sound that Nate was coming to appreciate for its effect on his nervous system.
    “Looking back

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