The Someday List

Read The Someday List for Free Online

Book: Read The Someday List for Free Online
Authors: Stacy Hawkins Adams
Tags: Contemporary
she had decided
to drive rather than bother Shelley, Trina, or jade. One of them
would have been happy to pick her up late last night, but those
divas wouldn't be up this time of morning unless it was to go to
and from one of their many exercise classes.
    Rachelle retrieved her suitcase from baggage claim and rolled
it out of the airport to the parking deck. The sun was positioning
itself over the city, and she knew that soon, steamy heat would be
rising from the pavement.

    She slid her bag onto the backseat, settled behind the wheel,
and fastened her seat belt. She turned the ignition and paused
when Alicia Keys' voice permeated the Lexus with the lyrics to
"Tell You Something:"
    Rachelle had been listening to the song frequently in the weeks
leading up to her visit with Jillian and thinking about how accurate those words were-she did feel sorrow, and she wished she
could better articulate to Jillian how much their friendship had
meant. She didn't want it to end this soon, especially since they
had just reconnected.
    Rachelle tried to sing along, but her voice faded as the lump
in her throat expanded. Why, of all the songs in her CD rotation,
did she have to start the morning with this one? She rested her
head on the steering wheel and sobbed. Jillian hadn't succumbed
yet, but her frail appearance and the beautiful ceremony over the
weekend left Rachelle with little doubt that it wouldn't be long.
    They were the same age. Had similar hopes and dreams. They
were good girls. So why was this happening? Jillian had even
taken it a step further by deciding to live a life of full-fledged
faith. Why was the God that she loved so much snatching her
away so young?
    Rachelle turned down the volume of the music and leaned back
into the headrest. She wiped her eyes, reached for her cell phone,
and called her mother. Mom wouldn't have answers to her questions, but because she knew Jillian, maybe she'd understand this
distress. Plus, Rachelle couldn't think of anyone else who would
be up this time of morning.
    Rachelle wasn't surprised when her mother answered on the
first ring.
    "What's up, dear?"
    Rachelle chuckled. "I should be asking you that," she said. "What have you already accomplished this morning? It's just
eight-something in Philly."

    "Your dad and I are reading the paper and having breakfast,"
her mother responded. "The question is, what are you doing up
this early?"
    Rita Mitchell never ceased to amaze Rachelle. She was always
quick on her feet, with astute questions or ready answers. Her
calm demeanor and solid organizational skills seemed effortless.
Rachelle routinely questioned why she struggled to accomplish
that same level of competency, despite her role model.
    "I just needed to hear your voice;' Rachelle said.
    "Is everything okay?" Rita asked.
    Rachelle heard her children laughing in the background. She
couldn't believe they were up so early. Mom must have enforced
an early bedtime.
    "Jillian's dying, Mom."
    Her mother gasped.
    "I just returned from a farewell gathering she hosted in San
Diego, and I ... I don't know. It's hitting me harder than I expected"
    Rachelle waited for the comforting words she needed to hear
right now. She crossed her fingers that Mom would come through
and offer a dose of reassurance that despite Jillian's circumstances,
everything would turn out okay.
    "I haven't seen Jillian's mother in a while. I didn't know," Rita
said. "The family must be devastated. What's wrong? What's the
    Rachelle explained that Jillian had breast cancer and described
the life celebration she had hosted.
    "Why didn't you tell me about this? I would have gone with
you, Rachelle. At least to pay my respects:"

    Rachelle stiffened. "Mom, this wasn't a funeral. There aren't
respects' to pay-not yet. This was a chance to say goodbye but
also to tell her how much we love her. It was just hard. Besides,
you have Tate and Taryn. You couldn't have accompanied

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