The Spaniard's Woman - Contemporary Romance

Read The Spaniard's Woman - Contemporary Romance for Free Online

Book: Read The Spaniard's Woman - Contemporary Romance for Free Online
Authors: Kat Davidson
Tags: spanish, Romance, Contemporary, love, Children, pride
everything that Grady had left for her to do and now, with the sun finally breaking through the clouds, was as good an opportunity as any to take Dylan for a breath of fresh air. Besides, getting out of the house would give her something else to think about apart from Gabriel Ortega.
    She had spent the previous day in a lather of anxiety, expecting a knock on the door at any moment. Naturally Grady had quizzed her in the car about Gabriel and she had told him exactly who he was. Grady had been surprisingly supportive.
    ‘Dylan’s dad?’ He’d let out a whistle between his teeth. ‘That’s a bit if bad luck. Unless of course you want to tell him about Dylan -’
    ‘No .’ Rhianna’s denial had been immediate and instinctive. She had absolutely no desire for Gabriel to know about their son. There was no telling how he would take the news and she simply couldn’t risk him arbitrarily deciding that he should be an active participant in Dylan’s life. She had no idea where she stood, but if Gabriel took it into his head to fight for legal custody of Dylan... Rhianna shuddered at the thought.
    ‘I don’t want Gabriel Ortega to know anything about Dylan,’ she’d told Grady tightly. ‘I don’t trust him not to try and take him away.’
    ‘He can’t do that,’ Grady objected, ‘When all’s said and done, Rhianna, you’re Dylan’s mother and there’s nothing that Ortega can do about it. Besides, you’re probably worrying unnecessarily. He’d have his own kids by now. Why would he be interested in Dylan?’
    Rhianna was far from reassured. Gabriel probably did have his own child - or children - by now, but Dylan was his first-born and Spanish men had very strong views about the children they sired. Especially their sons.
    And that didn’t even begin to address the matter of his sworn intention to bed her again...
    That was something she’d chosen not to tell Grady. It was too private, too shameful to think of how readily her body had reacted to him, the images that had flooded her head so seductive that she had been swamped with a heady desire she hadn’t experience in years; not since her last night with Gabriel. How could she ever admit to anyone that the man who had disposed of her so carelessly could still make her ache with longing? She could barely admit it to herself.
    She had hardly slept the previous night, plagued by her fears. Grady’s comfortable reassurances that he would help her dispose of Gabriel Ortega if he did happen to turn up comforted her not at all because Grady simply didn’t know the man. Gabriel was a human dynamo, so self-assured that he quite naturally swept everything before him, refusing to take no for an answer. Indeed, he’d probably never had anyone say no to him in his life. Rhianna had stared at the ceiling, unwilling to close her eyes because every time she did, Gabriel’s image superimposed itself instantly.
    What kind of man decided to have an affair with a woman when he had a wife waiting for him back home? Even as she asked it, Rhianna knew it was a stupid question. She knew perfectly well that for the most part, Spanish nobility had no difficulty separating marriage and love. Keeping a wife and a mistress was such a common as to be hardly worth mentioning. When Gabriel had left Rhianna it was if the blinkers she had worn during their time together had fallen away from her eyes. She had thought that the extraordinary longing she felt for Gabriel would somehow change everything because how could two people share such incredible depths of passion without believing that they were meant to be together?
    She had found out just how wrong she was, of course. And that naive young woman had transformed into a cautious creature that knew better than to believe in fairytales.
    When the previous day had concluded without any sign of Gabriel, she had allowed herself to relax, just a little. It was possible, after all, that he had not known where to find her. Or that he had had

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