The Swiss Family Robinson
we reproached him with his cruelty, but he was quite unconcerned, and continued to walk after Fritz. The little monkey seemed uneasy at the sight of him, and crept into Fritz’s bosom, much to his inconvenience. But a thought struck him; he tied the monkey with a cord to Turk’s back, leading the dog by another cord, as he was very rebellious at first; but our threats and caresses at last induced him to submit to his burden. We proceeded slowly, and I could not help anticipating the mirth of my little ones, when they saw us approach like a pair of show–men.
    I advised Fritz not to correct the dogs for attacking and killing unknown animals. Heaven bestows the dog on man, as well as the horse, for a friend and protector. Fritz thought we were very fortunate, then, in having two such faithful dogs; he only regretted that our horses had died on the passage, and only left us the ass.
    "Let us not disdain the ass," said I; "I wish we had him here; he is of a very fine breed, and would be as useful as a horse to us."
    In such conversations, we arrived at the banks of our river before we were aware. Flora barked to announce our approach, and Turk answered so loudly, that the terrified little monkey leaped from his back to the shoulder of its protector, and would not come down. Turk ran off to meet his companion, and our dear family soon appeared on the opposite shore, shouting with joy at our happy return. We crossed at the same place as we had done in the morning, and embraced each other. Then began such a noise of exclamations. "A monkey! a real, live monkey! Ah! how delightful! How glad we are! How did you catch him?"
    "He is very ugly," said little Francis, who was almost afraid of him.
    "He is prettier than you are," said Jack; "see how he laughs! how I should like to see him eat!"
    "If we only had some cocoa–nuts," said Ernest. "Have you found any, and are they good?"
    "Have you had any unpleasant adventures?" asked my wife.
    It was in vain to attempt replying to so many questions and exclamations.
    At length, when we got a little peace, I told them that, though I had brought them all sorts of good things, I had, unfortunately, not met with any of our companions.
    "God’s will be done!" said my wife; "let us thank Him for saving us, and again bringing us together now. This day has seemed an age. But put down your loads, and let us hear your adventures; we have not been idle, but we are less fatigued than you. Boys, assist your father and brother."
    Jack took my gun, Ernest the cocoa–nuts, Francis the gourd–rinds, and my wife the game–bag. Fritz distributed his sugar–canes, and placed the monkey on Turk’s back, to the amusement of the children. He begged Ernest to carry his gun, but he complained of being overloaded with the great bowls. His indulgent mother took them from him, and we proceeded to the tent.
    Fritz thought Ernest would not have relinquished the bowls, if he had known what they contained, and called out to tell him they were cocoa–nuts.
    "Give them to me," cried Ernest. "I will carry them, mamma, and the gun too."
    His mother declined giving them.
    "I can throw away these sticks," said he, "and carry the gun in my hand."
    "I would advise you not," observed Fritz, "for the sticks are sugar–canes."
    "Sugar–canes!" cried they all, surrounding Fritz, who had to give them the history, and teach them the art of sucking the canes.
    My wife, who had a proper respect for sugar in her housekeeping, was much pleased with this discovery, and the history of all our acquisitions, which I displayed to her. Nothing gave her so much pleasure as our plates and dishes, which were actual necessaries. We went to our kitchen, and were gratified to see preparations going on for a good supper. My wife had planted a forked stick on each side the hearth; on these rested a long thin wand, on which all sorts of fish were roasting, Francis being intrusted to turn the spit. On the other side was impaled a goose on another

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