The Two Sisters of Borneo

Read The Two Sisters of Borneo for Free Online

Book: Read The Two Sisters of Borneo for Free Online
Authors: Ian Hamilton
Tags: rt, tpl
truth. Still, Uncle was alive and, as always, worried for her. How could that not continue?
    She looked at her watch. It was just past two o’clock. She closed her eyes. When she opened them again it was ten past three and Sonny was standing over her.
    “He wants to see you again,” he said.
    Uncle’s face was turned towards the door when she entered. He tried to smile. “I just promised Sonny that I would go back on my congee diet.”
    “That will make everyone happy.”
    “I have another motive.”
    Ava sat by the bed, reaching for his hand. “Do I want to hear what it is?”
    “I have to go to Shanghai,” he said, with more energy in his voice.
    “Do not look so alarmed. I checked with Parker yesterday and he saw no reason why I could not travel. Besides, it is only a two-hour flight.”
    “But, Shanghai?”
    “I have some business to attend to. Sonny will be travelling with me.”
    Ava tried to keep the surprise out of her voice. “Business?”
    “It is something I cannot discuss with you. I gave my word to the other party that no one else would be involved.”
    “You’re taking Sonny.”
    “To carry and drive, nothing more.”
    “Uncle, this is so strange,” she said, bewildered.
    “I am sorry for telling you like this, but it is something I have been working on for a while. It is now starting to come together, and even better than I could have hoped for. The invitation came yesterday and we did not have a chance to talk. It made me excited when I received it, so excited that I ate and drank like a fool . . . Ava, this does not concern any business we have ever done or people you have ever met. If it did, I would be taking you with me, so do not look so disappointed. Besides, it will give you a break. With the wedding over and me away for a few days, you can have some time to yourself.”
    “For how long?”
    “Three or four days. They are putting me up in a suite at the Peninsula Hotel.”
    “And Parker said this is all right?”
    “Uncle —”
    “Please do not argue with me about this, Ava. My mind is made up.”
    “If there’s any problem?”
    “Someone will call you, I promise.”

( 5 )
    She slept fitfully, waking every few hours with the nagging sense that something was wrong. She looked at the message light on the hotel phone. It wasn’t blinking. She checked her cellphone. No voicemails or texts. Uncle has to be well, she told herself. She finally woke at noon and remembered with a start that she was supposed to have met May Ling for breakfast.
    Ava called her friend’s cell. May answered on the second ring.
    “ Wei .”
    “I’m sorry about breakfast. I just woke up. I was at the hospital until past four o’clock with Uncle. He had another attack.”
    “Is he okay?”
    “Yes, or as okay as he can be, given the circumstances. They said they were going to let him out today.”
    “And are you okay?”
    “I think so.”
    “Do you have to get him?”
    “No, that’s Sonny’s job and he’s quite territorial about it.”
    “So you’re free to meet?”
    “As soon as I’ve showered.”
    “Take your time. I’m still in my room. “
    Ava did take her time. She made an instant coffee and drank it while scanning the South China Morning Post . The wedding hadn’t received any coverage. The lawyer she’d danced with had pointed out several photographers from newspapers. She imagined they were from some of the many Hong Kong Chinese dailies.
    She showered, removing the last remnants of makeup from the night before, brushed her teeth, and towel-dried her hair. She threw on a black Giordano T-shirt and her Adidas training pants, then suddenly felt at loose ends. Michael and Amanda would be in the air, on their way to a one-week honey-moon in the Seychelles Islands. Sonny would be driving to the hospital to get Uncle, and then they would be heading to Shanghai. Both of the touchstones for what had become her life in Hong Kong were gone. She

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