The Vampire (THE VAMPIRE Book 1)

Read The Vampire (THE VAMPIRE Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read The Vampire (THE VAMPIRE Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Sandrine Genier
done this over the phone,” Jason said, taking a bite of the remoulade. Oh…I have got to have more of this … Jason enviously eyed the extra remoulade on Genier’s plate.
    “No harm. I sometimes stop here for lunch.”
    There were a few moments of silence. The food and the wine was so good, neither spoke for a while. I bet this meal cost plenty too , Jason thought.
    “What kind of work does he do, exactly? What kind of business—?” He felt he had a right to ask. He assumed their stories would match.
    “He owns property; he has numerous investments. Very diversified. He is quite an astute businessman, in some respects…”
    “He seems quite young; it is hard to believe…I thought maybe he had inherited money. If he’s wealthy, I mean.”
    “Well, he does not have to work, per se. But he never takes things for granted. He believes it is better to continue earning money, just in case.”
    “Then, really, if you—and he—can manage all of his business affairs, then why does he even need a personal assistant?”
    “What he really seems to need is someone to act as a buffer—between himself and—everything.” Genier noted Jason’s puzzled expression. “There are some things he does not deal with very well. He is something of a technophobe. And he sometimes needs someone to drive him places.”
    “He doesn’t drive?”
    “He drives.” Genier sighed with a nod. “He has a license. He just doesn’t think speed limits apply to him, and he has a big problem with authority figures. I just prefer that he doesn’t drive.”
    Jason smiled. It was sounding less like any kind of scam. Genier seemed genuine, and had been willing to share personal information about Augere. But Jason remained guarded. Still looking for the tiny crack in the too smooth veneer. Still, there might not be any harm in going along for a little while. He could always turn back; he could always say no.
    Jason savored a few more bites of the excellent lunch.
    “I suppose, as long as it doesn’t obligate me in any way, we could go over some of the criteria. I doubt I will pass all of it anyway.” Jason shrugged.
    “You don’t have to do this now—you don’t have to earn your lunch,” Genier assured him.
    Jason shrugged again. “I don’t see the harm.”
    “You know—I did not bring the full list with me; I did not think we would get to it, frankly. I can call my office and have the pages faxed to me here.”
    Jason nodded. Genier placed a phone call.
    They were just finishing their leisurely lunch when a hotel employee delivered several pages to their table.
    “Thanks, Jerry. How was your vacation?” Genier asked.
    “You were right Mr. G; the villas were the way to go. We’re going back again next year.”
    Genier smiled at him and Jerry retreated from the room.
    “Okay. Well, as to the health screen: there would be a physical exam; blood samples. You would have to have no significant health issues. Nonsmoker. No serious allergies; no seizure, cardiac, or respiratory disorders; non-diabetic, no prosthetics, no handicap. Are we good so far?”
    Jason nodded.
    “No addictions to any substances, drugs, legal or otherwise; no dependence of any kind. No gambling, porn, video game addiction—”
    “Ah. Could you define—addiction there, more, uh specifically?”
    “Spending five hours a day or more devoted to any of the above mentioned activities—”
    “Okay, I’m good then. Room to spare.”
    Genier laughed. “I’ve wondered if we should include internet addiction in general. But then no one would ever meet the criteria.
    “No personal nor family history of mental illness; no debilitating phobias…shall I continue?”
    “Still good.” Jason nodded.
    “Personal life: single, with no dependents. No serious financial concerns. No past or current legal issues. Current driver’s license with clean driving record. Must have or be able to obtain a passport.”
    Genier glanced up at him.
    Jason nodded. “Still good.”

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