Things Unseen: (An epic fantasy adventure series) (The Caris Chronicles Book 1)

Read Things Unseen: (An epic fantasy adventure series) (The Caris Chronicles Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read Things Unseen: (An epic fantasy adventure series) (The Caris Chronicles Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Melina Grace
offered her a knowing grin, which instead of causing indignation made her laugh at her own foolish pride.
    The first half of the day was quite enjoyable. The weather was not too hot for a change and the company was good. They stopped for a quick bite and stretch around midday but apart from that, they kept their saddle the whole day. By midafternoon, Caris was finding the pain grating on her nerves, she clenched her teeth against a developing a headache. Bonny’s good-natured chatter started to become irritating and the sun, that had been pleasant in the morning, was now blinding.
    Caris found herself praying that sunset would come soon. She wanted a reprieve from the heat, and to get off her horse, but she also wanted to be alone. Caris was used to a few hours of solitude a day and now she was finding the constant interruptions to her thoughts unbearable. She needed time to process what had happened two days ago, to think about these people she found herself with, to overcome the pain in her rear and thighs, and time to rest her mind from the thoughts and questions of others.
    When they finally came to a halt as the sun was lowering on the horizon, Caris breathed a deep sigh of relief. She sat a moment while the others dismounted, contemplating how she was going to go about getting herself to the ground. Garner, a handsome, well-built man, who couldn’t have been more than a score, appeared at her knee. With a brilliant smile and a quiet “may I?” he lifted her down from her horse.
    “Uh, thanks,” Caris said, flustered.
    “Not a problem,” he said with a breathtaking smile, before returning to unsaddle his horse.
    Caris attended to her horse in a daze of exhaustion. When she was finished, she stood looking toward where dinner was being cooked and tried to figure out what she could do to help, but her mind wouldn’t work.
    Finally, realising she had been staring without thought, she decided she wasn’t doing anyone any good and did what she most desired. Heading for a small rise twenty paces from camp, Caris sighed in relief at the thought of snatching a few minutes to herself. She topped the head high mound and sat down gingerly on the other side. Though she could still hear everything happening at camp, it was easy to ignore it and focus on the beautiful quiet that lay before her. The coolness of the evening air caressed her face, she took a deep breath and leaned back to let the space of the vast land wash over her.
    Her irritability had just begun to fade when Janen came up behind her and made to join her. “Not you” she said, at the end of her rope.
    Shock filled his face. He turned and left. Caris stared guiltily at the horizon. He didn’t deserve that, she knew. He hasn’t done anything wrong. It’s me that stuffed up so irrevocably. He doesn’t deserve to be punished for my failure . Part of Caris wanted to chase after him and call him back. She didn’t want to hurt him, he was such a good man and had always been a very close friend. Part of her just wanted to sit with him and draw comfort from him as they mourned together. But the very things that made her desire his company also made him the last person she wanted around to despise her. Why does he have to be here?
    Stones rattled behind her. Oh, don’t let it be Bonny. I don’t think I could bear her cheerfulness now. To Caris’ surprise, Janen reappeared.
    He didn’t make to sit down this time but took up a position in front of her, and with fists held clenched at his side demanded, “What have I done? Why didn’t you want me to come on this journey with you? Why are you angry with me? What did I do?”
    “Nothing,” Caris pleaded lamely.
    “What do you mean ‘nothing’? Caris, this isn’t fair! I haven’t done anything to deserve such contempt.”
    “No, you haven’t.” Suddenly angry herself, Caris retorted with, “But why do you care? Why would you want to be around me anyway?” She watched him standing there, his face red,

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