Till Dawn Tames the Night

Read Till Dawn Tames the Night for Free Online

Book: Read Till Dawn Tames the Night for Free Online
Authors: Meagan McKinney
fresh-faced from the orphanage."
    With that statement, the captain sobered. "Nonetheless, Vashon, when you look beneath this girl's timid demeanor and worn clothing, you might just find yourself caught unawares. I did. Aurora Dayne's certainly not like that horse-faced Gideon woman we took on board today."
    Vashon gave him a jaded stare. "Why would I even look at that baggage? The girl's a shabby little prig. I've seen finer feathers on a sparrow."
    "Yes, but it's difficult to notice her garments once she's captivated you with that face. Already she's garnered the attention of the seamen. Her bonnet blew off in the breeze this afternoon. That sorry lot was almost dumbstruck when she turned and smiled at them before righting it again."
    Vashon's eyes suddenly flashed. "She's our only hope of finding the Star of Aran . So I hope you'll see to it that they won't be bothering her. Otherwise, I 'll see to it they won't . . . permanently."
    "Ah, my good man!" Isaac laughed. "That really won't be necessary! We do need some crew to sail the ship!"
    Vashon shot him a black look. Then his humor returned. A dark smile tugged the corner of his lips. "But I'll admit one thing about the girl. I thought spinsters who ran orphanages were supposed to be warty little hags with thin lips and even thinner figures. Now why does our Miss Dayne not fit that description?"
    "Perhaps for the same reason that most think pirates who've made their fortune plundering ships are scurvy, toothless villains with the skull and crossbones hoisted on their masts—not the Union Jack." Smugly Isaac crossed his arms.
    Vashon finally smiled altogether. "I suppose you're referring to me?"
    "Who else?"
    "Well, then, let me get out my eye patch. At least that should give that old Widow Lindstrom a thrill."
    "I'm afraid that old girl already half expects something like that. I think you'll have to do better."
    Both men laughed.
    The captain finally looked at Vashon in awe. "I admit it now, Vashon, I really didn't think this scheme of yours would work. I had no idea Miss Dayne would actually be so anxious to leave England. I truly harbored some fears we'd have to sneak into that orphanage in the middle of the night and roll her up in a carpet."
    "Why do something so messy when you can have the chit walk right into your hands? Or your ship, as it were ."
    "Kidnapping by any other name . . ."
    "Would still smell as sweet," Vashon finished. With a vengeance-he added, "Besides, should we have thrown her to Blackwell?"
    Isaac stared at him for a long moment. "You know, it never fails to impress me that you can refer to Peterborough by the title Blackwell. My God, man, how that name must rot in your gut."
    "Not at all," Vashon answered. "He did much to get that title. Until I've the desire to take it away from him, he may have it. In truth, I might not enjoy toying with him so much, if he had nothing to lose."
    "You're a bigger man than I, Vashon. Or a colder one. I'm not sure."
    Vashon smiled. "Come now, Isaac, surely my magnanimous nature has impressed you. I've saved our dear Miss Dayne from a terrible fate. Her father stole that emerald from Peterborough, and knowing him as we do, I shouldn't think the viscount would be too charitable."
    "No," Isaac agreed. "Old Blackwell wouldn't be. Michael Dayne certainly picked the wrong man to rob. Have they ever found out what happened to him?"
    "I heard someone say once that they thought they saw him hanging from one of the viscount's oaks. But I think that poor bloke was somebody caught poaching, not Miss Dayne's father."
    "Well, if Blackwell treats his poachers so harshly, perhaps Aurora Dayne can count her blessings she's on the Seabravery now." As if to signal his leaving, Isaac put on his captain's cap and said, "I'll inform the crew that you're pleased, Vashon, and that everything is going as planned. They're all concerned about this voyage, you know. I'm afraid a lot of men's hopes rest on Miss Dayne's shoulders."

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