Tiredness Kills - A Zombie Tale

Read Tiredness Kills - A Zombie Tale for Free Online

Book: Read Tiredness Kills - A Zombie Tale for Free Online
Authors: Unknown
him, the dead body of his manager began to twitch and
contort. The eyes that flew open were not the eyes of Andy, his manager; they
were the crazed bloodshot eyes of a lusting madman.

      The images on the security tape will be in
grainy black and white, which at least will shield the viewer from the full
horror of what took place in that little room, as poor, incapacitated Bryn was
completely eaten, beginning with his left ear.

      The viewer would see that, mercifully, Bryn
appeared to meet with his death approximately five minutes later (probably of
shock) as Andy ripped open his torso to get at the softer organs, and the
splatter of grey- looking liquid that sprayed onto the camera lens in the tenth
minute, as Bryn's body was torn into several smaller sized chunks, at least
prevented the indignity of Bryn's final devouring ever ending up on the

    The four men managed to get
across the concourse and to the opening of the Waitrose supermarket with
relatively little bother given the circumstances. Ant made the mistake of
turning his head to look at the escalators which, being run on a separate
generator, were still ferrying zombies between the ground and first floors. The
undead had mainly stumbled onto the sharp metal moving steps more by accident
than purpose as their sense of smell and their lust for flesh lead them   blindly in all

      At the top of the ascending escalator stood a
man- a normal man, but a horrified man.
    Tears were running down his
cheeks and his eyes were full of despair. Travelling on the escalator, heading
towards him and unable to stand,    was a
small elderly lady.

      He had watched helplessly as she had been
attacked on the floor below and had fallen onto the moving staircase.   Her long grey hair, which had previously been
held in a tidy bun, had been pulled and tugged loose and was now caught up in
the movement of the stairs, pinning her head against the metal. She was quite
smeared with blood, but she did not notice, and as she neared the crying man
she turned her head to face him and began to growl and spit, and glare at him
with unrecognisable wild eyes.

    Her head reached the man's
foot, and as Ant watched, unable to drag his eyes away from the dreadful scene,
the sobbing man bought down his heavy boot and without doubt crushed the poor
ladies skull to smithereens. It was also without doubt that this had been a
strong act of mercy and of love as the hysterical man then fell to his knees
screaming the words “Forgive me, Mom!!” which reverberated throughout the
building causing Anthony Langston to throw up all over his rented tuxedo.

      This was real, and nowhere near as easy as he
had imagined in his made- up scenarios. This was really going to require a huge
amount of Man-up juice if he were to survive. He looked for the other three,
who he had briefly been separated from, and in his peripheral vision he
happened to spot the   slightly glowing green M claw motif on Scott's favourite
Rossi baseball cap   heading into the
supermarket, which unfortunately appeared to be rather full of shuffling,
groaning blood- soaked shoppers.

    As Ant turned to catch them
up he felt a tug on his right arm. Standing there before him was an abomination
of humankind, half man and half snarling beast. This was really it, no time for
jelly legs now. With his left hand he reached over his right shoulder and drew
out the samurai umbrella from its sheath. He had to take a step backwards due
to its length, and with a racing heart, he plunged the metal tip straight into
the monster's crazed eyeball. Blood sprayed out, as he forced his weapon of
choice deeper into it's skull, piercing the brain, and then just as quickly, he pulled it back out
again. He didn't wait around to watch his victim slump to the floor dead.   Holding back tears and yet more vomit he ran
into the shop thrashing wildly at anything that groaned in his path.

    Scott, who had

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