Tit for Tat Baby

Read Tit for Tat Baby for Free Online

Book: Read Tit for Tat Baby for Free Online
Authors: Sabel Simmons
way.  At the conclusion of the tour, she visited the wreck at her
resting place on the floor of the North Atlantic.
    It was mid-afternoon by the time she
walked out of the museum.
    “Excuse me, Miss.”
    Jenna turned around and looked up at a
tall well-built red headed man. He was quite attractive, but she was sure more
than a few years younger than her.  She looked at him questioningly.
    “I am sorry to bother you, but you owe
me a drink.”
    “I do?”
    “Yes, because when I looked at you, I
dropped mine.”
    Jenna burst out laughing and shook her
head.  He smiled widely at her.
    “Okay buster.  Only because that
was so earnestly delivered even though one of the cheesiest pick-up lines, I’ll
entertain you.  Who bet you what?”
    He chuckled and nodded his head
towards the one side.  She noticed a bunch of young guys sitting around one
of the tables in front of the restaurant, watching them.
    “I see and what was the bet for?”
    “That you would not even talk to
me.  Imagine how much I could hitch up that bet if you were to agree to go
on a date with me!”
    “Hmm … so, do you usually ask older
women out for dates?”
    “What do you mean older women?”
    She chuckled.  “How old are you,
    “Twenty three.”
    “And you think I am …”
    “Twenty … twenty one at a push.”
    Jenna gaped at him. 
Twenty!  She knew she looked younger than her age but nearly ten years!
    “Well, I suppose that is quite a
compliment and I thank you for that.  I am afraid I am slightly older than
you and a date would be inappropriate.  My Dad would have a fit!”
    “How old are you?”
    “Add ten to what you thought.”
    His eyes widened and he whistled, then
looked her up and down.  His smile was naughty.
    “Well, I won’t tell anyone.  I
would still really like to take you on a date.”
    “Sorry, but I am quite busy at this
point.  Tell you what … how about I give you a peck on the mouth … just in
the spirit of the bet.  Might get you an extra fifty or so.”
    She chuckled at the expression on his
face.  She grabbed his shirt and pulled his face down and gave him a soft
peck on his lips and stepped back immediately.  He stood immobile with his
eyes closed for a long moment.
    “Wow … are you sure you won’t
    “I really have to go and again, thanks
for the compliment.” 
    Jenna smiled, turned away and started
walking to her rental car in the parking area and heard her name being shouted
excitedly.  She turned around and saw Megan McGill waving at her and she
smiled until her eyes got caught by the devil’s green ones.  He glared at
her, his jaw rigid and his body stiff.
    Jenna could hardly walk away and dutifully
walked closer.
    “Jenna, what a lovely surprise! 
You should have told Callum you wanted to come here.  You could have
joined us in the tour.  Have you finished already?”
    “Yes, I just visited the wreck. It
really is quite amazing.”
    “We are going to go for an early
dinner at a little restaurant a little way down the beach.  Why don’t you
join us?”
    “I am sure Miss Burkes and her friend
over there has some other plans.”
    Jenna cringed, realizing they must
have witnessed the kiss. His eyes willed hers to look at him and she glanced at
him. Now he had even more ammunition to slay her with.
    “Mommy!  Daddy says we can go to
the zoo next week!  Uncle Call, are you gonna go with?”
    Callum caught the little boy that
hurled him into his arms from a meter away and swung him in the air.  He
peeled with laughter.
    “We’ll see, squirt.”
    He put him down and the little boy
stared at Jenna.
    “Who are you?”
    “Connor don’t be rude!”
    “But, Mommm!”
    A blond giant with a little girl on
his arm the same age as the little boy, joined them.
    “Are they twins?”
    “Yes.  Five years old.  Hon,
this is Jenna Burkes I told you about.  Jenna, this is my husband, Liam
and these are Connor and Caitlin.”
    Jenna shook

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