To Catch a Snake: Book Three - Supernatural Bounty Hunter Romance Novellas
and ignored it, making his way back to his car.

Chapter Five
    “Hey, Ling,” called Carly carefully. “You upstairs, sweetie?”
    She heard a muffled grunt and sighed. Thankfully, she had a spare key to Ling’s house, as she doubted her the panda shifter would have answered the door. Carly had never seen her friend so despondent, even when her marriage broke down. That asshole Myron really did a number on her.
    She half-turned back to her mate and whispered to him as they climbed the stairs, “Just don’t spook her, okay? Don’t make any sudden movements; we don’t want her running off.”
    Jackson snorted. “To be clear, your friend was dumped and fired, she didn’t turn into a deer. She’ll be fine.”
    “Says the man who’s never been dumped.” Clearly, he’d never been used and then just tossed aside.
    Jackson rolled his shoulders unconcernedly. “I was never in a relationship before I met you.”
    “Aww,” Carly flushed happily as her fox mewled contentedly. It gave her a thrill to think that she had been the one to tame his bad body nature… sort of; he was still pretty rough around the edges.
    “And there’s no way you’re ever dumping me. If you ever try to leave me, I will hunt you down and chain you up.” He let out a rough growl to press the point.
    “Duly noted.” She was way past reacting to Jackson’s possessive nature. She and her fox loved it.
    Carly knocked on Ling’s bedroom door before gently pushing it open. She was relieved to see Ling was fully dressed, and nodded for Jackson to follow her in. They’d learnt to do that the hard way. Right after Ling was fired, she couldn’t even be bothered to pull on her sweatpants. It had annoyed the hell out of Carly at the time.
    She was a little surprised to find Ling sitting on the bed, munching on some toaster pastries. Ling smiled when she saw her friend and paused an episode of The Sands of Lunar Beach. She rolled her eyes when Jackson stomped in the room and, heavily, collapsed into her armchair, making it groan in protest.
    Although she and Jackson were getting along better, she still found him to be uncouth and insensitive.
    Carly perched on the bed next to her. “How you feeling, sweetie?”
    Ling offered Carly a pastry, which was eagerly accepted. “Better, my mother came by…”
    Carly looked at her in disbelief. “And that made you feel better?
    Ling let out a genuine giggle. “Well, no, but she made me see that Myron isn’t worth getting upset over, any more than Robert was.”
    “Damn straight,” growled Jackson. “If you want me to beat up the gorilla jackass, you just let me know.”
    Ling smiled gratefully. She knew he would if she asked; it wasn’t an idle offer. “Thanks, I appreciate the offer, and I am tempted. He’s actually been trying to call me. He keeps leaving me messages telling me that he’s sorry.”
    “Fucker!” exclaimed Jackson as Carly made grumbling noises.
    “There’s no way you’ll actually go back to work there, is there?” asked Carly.
    A guilty look flitted over Ling’s face. “Even if I wanted to, I don’t think I could, not the way I left…”
    Carly had heard the edited version of what happened, including the part where Ling told him he was bad in bed in front of her office. Perhaps it was time she divulged what happened next…
    After bursting into tears in the elevator, Ling had felt a rush of anger. On getting out at the lobby, she proceeded to push over three large decorative cheese plants. On running into a senior partner at the company, who always tried to look down her top, she flashed him her boobs – he was 76 and he almost had a heart attack. Finally, she told the security guards that it was Myron who lobbied for them to get a pay cut. And for good measure, in the parking lot, she keyed Myron’s car and kicked his side mirrors off. It felt great at the time.
    Ling’s cheeks reddened after she told them. “It was not my finest hour.”
    Jackson looked at

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