Touch of Eden

Read Touch of Eden for Free Online

Book: Read Touch of Eden for Free Online
Authors: Jessie M
that's what... Josh you are going to regret this, very badly.
    She walks behind me showing me out of the main door. “Thank you for coming anyway Joshua. It's been so nice talking to you, I don't get to see many people these days. I'll open the gate.” Then she's gone. The door closing behind me.
    I drive home in a stunned and confused state of mind. What the hell is going on in that house. I am determined to get to the bottom of it. My mind is suddenly full of  images of Keira. Her long shiny chestnut hair, her soft full lips and beautiful brown eyes. I try not to think about her body, it's too much to have in my head while I'm driving. One thing is certain, my gym bunny is forgotten already.
    When I get back I collapse heavily on my sofa, having a think. First I need to contact Eden and then go and see my brother Luke.
    I call her.
    “ Found your mum yet?”
    “ Yes thank God, five minutes ago, I heard her talking to herself UNDER her bed”
    “ You are joking?”
    “ NO I'm bloody NOT.”
    “ Well at least she's safe... Anyway I d id the client induction, no problem at all, I'll take her from now on, we got on well.”
    “ Thanks Josh, I love you to death.”
    “ See ya babe, bye”
    I text Luke.
    “You in?”
    “ Of course, where else would I be?”
    “ Can I see you?”
    “ I'll come to you, Sarah's mother is here. Give me 5 mins.”
    I spruce the place up a bit. Luke's super anal about tidiness. Not a cup can be out of place. I straighten the sex pit, not that he's likely to go in my bedroom, but you never know. Then I spray some air freshener about and put the coffee machine on. I have a quick look around. It looks good; clean, tidy and Luke fit.
    Luke and I get on quite well, despite his annoying ways. He's only two years older than me but so much more serious and focused on his life. He's Father's favourite son, obviously. Not that I care. Not much anyway. Sarah is his beautiful blond, well spoken, solicitor girlfriend, They've been living together for two whole years. That's a full life sentence to my mind.
    He arrives a minute later.
    “ How's things big bro?” I put a colourful Simpsons mug full of black coffee in his hand and he gives it a disdainful look.
    Did I actually forget he's a real snob ass as well as an anal tidy freak?
    “ Oh you know, one long legal haul. On top of everything else I'm taking my bar exams soon, has Father mentioned that to you?”
    “ No, he doesn't talk to me Luke, you know that.”
    “ Hmmm, he does tend to be rather awkward with you, doesn't he? I think you should try harder with him.”
    “ Why the fuck should I?” I say indignantly.
    “ Why not?” Luke is always deflecting questions with another. He's going to make a bloody good barrister.
    “ Because he's not interested in me. None of me. My job, my appearance, my lifestyle. It's all very disappointing to him... He can barely bring himself to even look at me.”
    “ I'm sure that's not true, you're exaggerating. You are his son after all and you're not a bad person, just very immature and rough around the edges.”
    “ Oh don't you fucking start on me as well.”
    “ Just pointing out facts which you may be unaware of. Sorry if the truth hurts. And Josh, you really must work on improving your language. All this needless swearing is coarse and vulgar.”
    “ I'm not that bad, am I?”
    “ Positively dreadful. No doubt it's the company you keep. Those common friends of yours. Now what is it you want? I'm practising my cross examination techniques at the moment. I can't be too long or I'll lose my train of thought.” At this moment I want to stick your cross examination techniques up your pompous, righteous ass, Lukey boy... but I won't because I want something from you...
    “ Before I start I want you to promise me you'll keep this between us. Just you and me, okay?”
    “ It's you and I... not you and me...” You're pushing it bro...
    “ Don't bloody nit pick...” I'm getting annoyed... He must be

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