Two if by Sea
considered such a thing. Someone else do her hair? She reached up and tugged a curl.
    “We’ve got one of the best stylists, she’ll know exactly what to do. You’ll love her.”
    “Could I get a haircut, too?”
    The woman smiled. “Anything you want, we can accommodate.”
    Wow . “Which way?”
    The woman pointed her toward the changing rooms and Daphne hurried inside. The place was incredible. Everywhere she looked was gleaming teak wood and smooth polished stones. Calm music and mood lighting completed the effect. She could stay in there forever. The changing room alone was an escape from her life. But the thought of a massage made her jump into her robe faster.
    An hour and half later and she’d been rubbed and pampered until she’d fallen asleep on the table. Now she understood why celebrities came to places like this.
    She peeled her body off the table, wrapped herself up in a robe and padded into the nail area. She eased herself into a mani-pedi chair and a nail tech waved hello.
    “Hi, I’ll be your technician today.” A perky woman with bright eyes and kind smile sat down. “Do you have anything in mind?”
    Daphne hesitated. She never could afford the nice styles. “Can you do something classic? A French manicure, maybe?”
    “Of course. Just lay back and relax.”
    Daphne did as she was told and rested her head on the cushioned headrest. A few minutes later, voices woke her up. A pair of women filled the seats next to her.
    “I’m telling you they pick one on every cruise.”
    “You’d think they would have girlfriends. Especially the tan one. What is he, Italian? Mmm .”
    Daphne frowned. Were they talking about Tony and Damon?
    The plump blonde leaned toward her friend and Daphne strained to keep listening. “Maryann said they’re sex fiends. All they want are threesomes with one woman. And they do everything , if you know what I mean.”
    The brunette with tortoiseshell glasses giggled. “I’d do anything they asked if I got to live like a princess for a week. I heard their suite has a spa bathroom and a twenty-four-hour butler.”
    The blonde leaned back. “I heard it has wall-to-wall mirrors so they can see themselves from every angle.”
    Daphne scooted down in her chair. This can’t be happening. If they were talking about Damon and Tony, she’d made a huge mistake. No way was she going to be their plaything for a week. Dinner, okay. Dancing? She’d entertained the idea.
    Romping around in their suite while they used her to satisfy some crazy fetish? A thrill rushed through her, but she pushed it aside. She couldn’t. She mustn’t. If she wanted to salvage her PR career and make partner, she needed to stay on the right side of the line.
    Having sex with two men at the same time was way, way over it.
    The blonde interrupted her thoughts. “Cindy said they already asked for some girl. A tiny little redhead with more hair than hips.”
    “Ugh. That’s got to be a mistake. No way would they go for a scrawny chick. I bet they want someone with curves.” The brunette shimmied her hips and Daphne pouted inwardly.
    I do not have more hair than hips. She tucked a wayward lock back into the towel around her head and pretended not to listen. It was just like PR. People always assumed the worst. Well, too bad. She wasn’t going to be fodder for the gossip mill.
    As soon as the tech finished, she’d pack it up, go find her room, and demand to get off. The boat, that is.
    As the tech stood up to go fetch more polish, the woman closest to her chair turned and smiled. “I’m sorry to bother you, but my friend and I are wondering, you don’t know anything about the owners of the ship, do you?”
    Daphne paled. Had they sussed her out already? She channeled her press conference face. “No. I just heard about the cruise and it sounded like fun. Who are they?” Her words came out perky and excited, but inside her heart hammered for a whole other reason. Anger.
    The woman giggled. “I

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