
Read Undeniable for Free Online

Book: Read Undeniable for Free Online
Authors: Liz Bankes
around nine?’
    That does sound like fun. And it’s the night Nish and Rosie are visiting. ‘My friends are coming up tomorrow.’
    He shrugs. ‘Bring them. You can all crash if you want – plenty of room in my bed.’ He gives a big grin, but for a moment our eyes meet and something flashes between us. A brief
    They’ll be so excited to go to a properly cool house party, but that image has made me feel funny about it. Like they might think I’ve got over Max too quickly and I’m chasing
after some random guy. I can’t even imagine being with someone else. Not for a second. That moment just now doesn’t count. What’s a good excuse?
    ‘We can’t. We have dinner plans.’
    ‘Do you go to bed straight after dinner?’ Spencer has an arched eyebrow and is leaning forward like he’s trying to win me over.
    ‘Sometimes, when I’ve eaten a lot.’ It’s true – once Max had to call a taxi to take me home from Wagamamas because I ate so much I thought I was going to slip into
a coma.
    He reaches over and pokes me on the arm with his finger. ‘Come on.’ He’s looking at me through his curly hair. I’m burning all over. And at the same time I want to run
away. Then he pokes me again. ‘I’ll keep doing this until you agree to come to my party.’
    ‘Fine! If you’re that desperate!’
    He smiles mischievously. It looks good on him. ‘Great, because I was thinking I really need someone to serve the drinks . . .’

Chapter 10
    On the announcement board it just says
. That’s helpful. They were already held up getting into London Waterloo and then Rosie went all the way to the
barriers at London before she realised she’d lost Nish, who was waiting on the platform because she had assumed there were ‘people who take your bags for you’. They got on the
Underground and last I heard from them they’d changed on to the Overground to get to Hampstead Heath. Maybe they’ve lost signal.
    Then the expected arrival changes to two minutes’ time. I text them all saying 2 minutes and they both reply separately with YES !
    Two minutes later a train hoves into view and the announcement lady does her announcement and I do a few jumps up and down with a small squeal. A woman sitting on a bench gives me a weird look,
as if to imply that I am a weirdo. I just assume that she isn’t waiting for her
two best friends in the world
(apart from Mia) to visit her.
    When I see Nish step off the train I run at her and scream. My lone scream is quickly joined by hers and I am sure even Rosie gives a faint yelp, but that could have been caused by my forceful
hug. My run and scream make the woman on the bench jump. She makes a noise that sounds a bit like ‘Blap!’ and hits herself in the face with her book. I feel a bit bad, but not that
    After a session of hugging and jumping up and down, we finally start talking in words.
    ‘So we are actually going to a party with famous people?’ says Rosie.
    ‘Well . . .’ I consider. I may have bigged up Spencer’s party to make them more excited about the visit. ‘The guy whose party it is has a small part.’
    ‘Gross,’ says Nish.
    ‘Oh dear,’ says Rosie.
    ‘In the show, you perverts! But he’s invited everyone. So all the cast could be there. Or none. Or some.’
    ‘I don’t mind,’ says Nish.
    ‘We’re here to see you!’ says Rosie.
    When we get back to her house, Granny has got out a fondue set and a whole load of posh cheese that she says is from Borough Market. She’s laid out bits of French bread,
grapes and carrots and red wine and whiskey, which is for her ‘because it’s Friday’, even though she drinks it on every other day as well.
    The mention of Friday leads into talking about Crazy Friday, which obviously Granny wants to know all about. Luckily we stick to stories of me falling into a bin, Nish ending up sleeping in a
barn and being woken by pigs, and Rosie vomiting in a stranger’s bag and not telling them. No

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