Untamed: An Alpha's Kiss (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance)

Read Untamed: An Alpha's Kiss (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance) for Free Online

Book: Read Untamed: An Alpha's Kiss (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance) for Free Online
Authors: Evelyn Glass
her lips.
    Almost instantly his hands cupped her face and his mouth searched hers, tasting her need, drawing it from her lips and tongue while her entire body melted into the familiar heat of him. He savored her, delicately twining his tongue with hers, making her gasp when he gently licked the inside of her lips and tugged her bottom lip between his teeth. She ached with the beauty of his scent and touch and the quiet noises he made in the back of his throat as he kissed her.
    Between them she could feel his obvious arousal pressing into her stomach and she longed to grasp its heated velvet length firmly in her hand. She had never had so many sexual thoughts before, but now they couldn't stop coming, her dreams and desires colliding: images of Parker undressing her and kissing his way down her body, images of her on her knees pleasuring him with her mouth, images of the two of them locked in a feral coupling, Parker taking her from behind while she moved frantically against him like a bitch in heat... She trembled in spite of herself, this new, overwhelming need so foreign and frightening.
    "Please..." It escaped her before she could stop herself, a breathless declaration of her need, as she wrapped herself around him. She had no idea what she was even begging for. "Please, Parker..."
    "Jesus, Charmaine," he groaned as her lips latched onto the velvet skin of his neck. "I'm trying here, but you don't make it easy." She felt him twitch in his jeans. Between her thighs she was slick and aware, a puddle of arousal.
    His nostrils flared as he caught her scent, and he hastily untangled himself from her arms, nearly shoving her from him as he struggled for control. His breath came in ragged, uneven bursts, and the fingers of his free hand gripped the bench as if it were a lifeline.
    "This is a bad idea," Parker said in a forced voice. "We can't--" His face twisted as if he were in pain.
    For a moment they stood apart, confused and aching. Full circle, in just a few short moments, she thought as he eyed her warily, lust lingering in his eyes even as he physically distanced himself from her. And yet in two more seconds I would've ripped his clothes off.
    Without him touching her, Charmaine's head was clearer. "No, you're right." Her voice quavered as she struggled for control. "This is irresponsible." Only the faintest occasional fire still smoldered through her veins as she backed away from him.
    "I don't even know your name," he said, running his shaking hands through his dark hair. "Jesus, I just kissed you and I don't even know your name."
    "Charmaine," she replied in a soft voice. "My name is Charmaine Vella."

    Back at Scottie's side, Charmaine couldn't stop her insides from twisting. The morning sun streamed through his window but he slept through it all, his strong chest rising and falling under the thin hospital blanket. She stroked his hand and his freckled cheek before settling into the chair next to him.
    His color looked much better, and the nurse who came in to check on him an hour later seemed pleased with his progress. She changed out his bags of medication, reducing the morphine, and recorded all his levels.
    "If there's no internal bleeding he might be able to go home today," she offered, and Charmaine returned her kindness with a weak smile. She knew Scottie would be okay. But she wasn't so sure about herself.
    She mentally calculated what she would say about the night before, how the two of them might explain this away. How to keep quiet about their involvement with the Kreuger pack in order to keep peace. There was no way to avoid Scottie being seen or an giving an explanation of what happened, so she decided the safest thing was to stick close to the real story --conveniently leaving out the fact that they had been in Kreuger territory, that is.
    Her father's angry face floated in front of her, stern eyebrows and

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