Vampire Food 08: He Smelled Like Peach Pie
    “Are you serious, Russell? Becka said that? Is she out of her mind?” He shrugged. “Okay, so let me get this straight, you think that someone may bomb the place to try and kill us all? That would be suicide. They have to know that we will hunt them down and kill them.”
    “Yeah, if we’re still alive to do so.”
    She ignored Salt’s comment and turned to Rory. “How much of that sun shield gel has been produced?”
    “About twenty gallons, why?”
    “Can it be applied to metal? Specifically steel?”
    “I suppose so.”
    Em considered the caves in her mind. “Who of us would be in the biggest danger?”
    “I would have to think that the members of the alliance are. They make most of the rules,” replied Russell.
    Em looked at him. “Okay and most of us live in this outer, upper area. How easy would it be to blow a hole in our ceiling?”
    “I have no idea. If I ask around, maybe I can find out. What are you thinking?”
    “If we are the ones in the most danger, then we need to protect ourselves. Would alaneum sheets of steel be strong enough to protect us from the falling rock? If so, could they be coated with sun protection?” Em pursed her lips. “Better still, could it be applied to some kind of fabric? If we had a flexible substance that could be molded over our bodies, that would be even safer.”
    “That is a very interesting question. Our goal was to apply it to clear substances to block the sun. I don’t know if anyone has ever considered putting it on fabric. Something dense like high-count cotton might work. Most fabric doesn’t block the sun, but if we could paint it with a couple of thick coats, it might just work.”
    Em nodded. “Then you need to find that out. Russell, I think it might be wise for you to return to Becka. I don’t care what kind of lies you need to tell her, just get back into her good graces. We need information.”
    Russell scowled at her. “Really? You want me to lie to her?”
    “What are you not telling me, Russell?”
    His eyes turned away and that verified her suspicion that he was omitting information.
    He grimaced. “Becka claims that she has fallen in love with me. She was slinging insults about my reputation because I was with you. I wanted to get away from her as quickly as possible.”
    The news was not as shocking to Em as it probably should be. Russell was easy to fall in love with. He was great in bed and had a fantastic personality. He was also intriguing to look at with the beautifully thick, muscled body and amber eyes. “Okay, so we need to find another outlet for information. Have you made friends with any of the other shifters?”
    He shrugged. “Not really. I know most of them, but I wouldn’t call them friends.”
    Turning her head to look at Salt, Em lowered her eyes and then grinned to offset her leering expression. “I do think it is time to ask Mia to return the favor. Everyone is smitten with Mia.”
    Salt rolled his eyes. “I will warn you that Mia is likely to ask you about our sex life.”
    That was a disturbing twist. “And why is that?”
    “It was a discussion we had about her expectations about me and sex. I was getting a bit frustrated with her and made a comment that I probably shouldn’t have made.” He gave her a chagrined shrug and wrinkled his nose guiltily.
    “Okay. I guess that I can deal with her questions. I have one myself. How and why are they banning against us? What the hell did we do to them? We try to treat everyone here as equal and everyone has a say in what happens. Each grouping of people has representatives that they can bring their concerns to who will speak for them during the meeting. I just don’t get it. Since when did we become the evil ones, again?”
    Salt shrugged, but Rory rubbed her shoulder. “I think that it is simply a matter that we are considered bad creatures. It has always been that way and I suppose that mindset still lingers. We didn’t always get along with the shifters

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