Viking Legend
finished when the blade slipped and cut into his palm.  Blood flowed over the message.  Aiden nodded approvingly.  “We could not have left a better message.  It is written in blood.  He will understand the meaning now.”
    The whole crew set to rowing with more heart once they heard what had happened.  It was obvious that Haaken had been meant to cut his hand.  It was no accident.  The Norns and the Gods were on our side.  None now feared what we might find. Whatever danger we faced they would deal with it.  The younger warriors were particularly excited. This was the sort of story they had heard when growing up.  They would be in a saga which might become a Viking legend. That guaranteed a warrior’s immortality.  Even if they died their names would live on in the stories which would be told.
    We did not reach the mouth of the River Clut until after dark. We only knew it was the river when one of the ship’s boys risked a handful of water. It was not salty. The chart was not clear and we were wary of grounding but Aiden found a channel which ran north.  We were seeking somewhere to hide.  We passed a huddle of huts around a small church just a short way up this wide water. It looked to be silent and no one saw us. We pulled around a bend in the river. Snorri and Beorn the Scout slipped over the side while the rest of us pulled the drekar under the shelter of some large willows which overhung the fresh water.
    “Do we camp, Jarl?”
    “We will wait, Erik, until our scouts return.”
    The two of them were away a short time. “There are eight families who live in the huts. We heard no dogs. They have a church.”
    “Then we camp here.  We eat and get some sleep.  When dawn breaks we will take this village and then find out who commands in this Alt Clut.”
    As the men headed ashore I looked south.  I was looking beyond the river all the way to Wyddfa.  The threads of my life all headed back to that mountain.  The Norns had spun a strong web.  I could not escape my destiny.  Even when I was not seeking out my past, my past found me.  Magnus the Foresworn would have to wait.

Chapter 3
    Leaving just my ship’s boys and Erik to guard my ship we slipped down the river using the greenway which ran alongside it.  Snorri and Beorn took four younger warriors to get around the far side of the tiny hamlet. The huts were so near they were almost in the water and I wondered if they suffered flooding. The greenway we used certainly felt soggy. Perhaps the advantages of being close to the river and the fishing outweighed the risks. We moved in a thin line.  Ahead of us were archers with bows strung and arrows knocked.  They would silence any who gave the alarm. The wind must have worked in our favour for none made a sound.  As I passed the church I saw that it was made of stone. That promised riches within.
    My men surrounded each hut and waited for my signal.  I lowered my sword and they entered the roundhouses. There was noise then but the appearance of so many fierce warriors soon subdued them.  When they were brought from the huts they stood in terrified family groups.  The men placed themselves before their wives and children as though they might protect them.
    I waved Aiden forward.  He spoke their language.  It was the same one he had spoken as a child. “Find the headman and bring him here.”
    It did not take long for the headman was not afraid of us.  Hatred burned in his eyes. “Ask him his name.”
    The man said something after Aiden had questioned him.  “He says his name is Riderch and he is not afraid of you even though you have the eyes and skin of a wolf.”
    “Good.  Tell him I will not harm any here if he answers my questions.”
    The man stood dumbly defiant. I sighed, “Ask him who rules at Alt Clut.”
    The man looked confused.  I do not know what questions he thought we would ask but that one patently did not seem to conflict with his honour. He

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