Warrior Priest of Dmon-Li: The Morcyth Saga Book Three
    “You boys get on into your room at the
stern,” the captain says. “We’re casting off the lines now.” A
sailor pulls in the gangplank.
    The dockworkers untie the ship and toss the
lines back to the crew aboard her. The captain begins barking out
orders as his men hop to comply. The ship begins to turn slowly as
it heads once more out to open waters.
    Once the ship is away from the docks, the
captain hollers to the crew up in the masts and the sails come down
about halfway before they’re tied off. The wind fills the half
sails and the ship lurches as it quickly picks up speed.
    Huddled in their room under the steering
house, they begin to feel the effects of the constant swaying of
the ship upon the waves. James’ stomach begins to rebel and he
says, “I’m going out to get some fresh air.”
    “But you’ll get soaked,” Miko says from
where he’s swaying in the hammock.
    He looks down at himself and replies, “I’m
already wet.” He opens the door and a gust of rain comes in before
he manages to close it behind him.
    Outside along the deck, he sees guidelines
are now tied from bow to stern to help the sailors remain aboard in
the storm. Grabbing onto one, he makes his way over to the rail and
puts his face into the wind, which helps to settle his protesting
stomach. Never been seasick before, but then, he’s never been out
in this kind of storm before either.
    As they continue out to open sea, he
searches for other vessels that’ve braved such a storm but doesn’t
see any. He looks around to the crew, but they don’t seem too
worried, so he stops his worrying about the weather. If the
professionals see nothing wrong, then he shouldn’t either.
    The captain is standing up by the helmsmen.
Using the guide ropes to keep his footing, he makes it to the
stairs and begins to climb up to reach him.
    When the captain sees him climbing the
stairs up to him, he asks, “Everything okay?”
    Nodding, he climbs the last few steps and
comes to stand next to him, holding onto the rail. “Just out for
some air, is all.”
    “Stomach bothering you?” the captain asks,
    “A little,” he replies, “but the fresh air
seems to be helping.”
    The captain just nods at that.
    “There doesn’t seem to be too many other
ships out in this,” he mentions to the captain.
    “Most don’t want or need to be out in this,
so they don’t,” he explains. “But, if we just sailed in fair
weather, we wouldn’t get too far.”
    “True,” James replies. Then he looks down
and sees Miko making his way along the guidelines. He hollers down
to him until he gets his attention and then watches as he makes his
way up to where he and the captain are standing.
    When he reaches the steerage deck, James
notices he’s a little green. “Just take some deep breathes, that
should help,” he advises.
    Miko goes over to the railing and tries to
do just that, but his stomach rebels. Bending over the railing, he
loses the contents of his stomach as he retches into the water
below. When it’s over, he feels slightly better.
    From overhead, a sailor cries out, “Captain!
    “Where away?” he hollers back.
    The sailor points off to the left of the
ship and hollers down, “To the port!”
    They all look and see a ship out there,
heading in their general direction. “Empirical warship,” the
captain says, not too concerned.
    “Is that a problem?” James asks.
    “Unlikely,” the captain replies. “It’s most
likely just on patrol.”
    James doesn’t share the captain’s
nonchalance about sighting a warship.
    “Think it’s looking for us?” Miko whispers
as he leans close to James.
    “I hope not,” he replies as he continues
watching the warship.
    As time passes, the warship continues to
close the distance between them, heightening James worries.
    Suddenly, James hears the captain swear.
“What?” he asks.
    Gesturing to the warship, the captain says,
“They want us to furl our sails and be

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