What Zombies Fear (Book 2): The Maxists

Read What Zombies Fear (Book 2): The Maxists for Free Online

Book: Read What Zombies Fear (Book 2): The Maxists for Free Online
Authors: Kirk Allmond
Tags: Zombies
library, something that had disgusted me at the time. Now I was grateful that it was there. A huge three story stone building with triple pane UV protected bullet proof glass, surrounded by giant stone planters with huge trees growing in them. The stone planters were big enough to stop a large truck, modeling the architecture of post 9/11 Washington DC. The knowledge of mankind was safe in that building and there it would stay, in the most protected place, until we were ready to go retrieve it.
    The outside of Culpeper was ringed by residential neighborhoods. When the town had living people in it, the locals knew to cut through one neighborhood to get from the main road through town over to Route 15. That route was my habit and I instinctively turned into the neighborhood that day. We were almost through that neighborhood when I heard a blood curdling scream.
    Simultaneously all of the trucks came to a halt. I grabbed my new spear as Leo and I dismounted the Jeep and ran a hundred yards to see a man in shorts and a tee shirt get tackled to the ground. He was screaming, trying to get away from what was left of a woman. Six months ago she would have been a reasonably attractive girl. She was wearing little tiny shorts that said PINK across her ass. The pink shorts were stained brown and she had a little bit of a white tee shirt left on. Most of the shirt had been ripped away at some point, exposing her from the neck down. Almost all the flesh was missing from her neck down, the bones of her rib cage shone in the last of the daylight. Based on the amount of missing flesh around her midsection, I would say she’d been turned by several zombies feasting on her. The tee shirt neck was still intact and one sleeve. The rest of it hung down her back, like a cape covered in dried blood.
    We ducked back around the corner of large house with pale blue siding. I stopped behind some prickly bushes, to take stock of the scene.
    Leo started to charge in, but I grabbed her hand and stopped her. Something didn’t seem right. I quickly studied the scene. There were no weapons on the ground nearby; the man had no back pack on. ”Who would be smart enough to survive this long and then leave the house without weapons or a pack?” I whispered to Leo. ”Something is wrong.”
    “ He could have dropped them when he ran,” she said softly. “He could have lost them. He could have been asleep and they surprised him.”
    “ Sure, but something doesn’t feel right. Do you feel it?” I whispered
    “ No, I see a man that needs help,” she whispered fiercely.
    “ Leo, he was dead the minute he got tackled. There’s nothing we can do now except put him out of his misery. This is wrong. My gut tells me something is wrong.”
    Into the throat mic, I whispered “Bookbinder, check out our position, head around behind the house, there’s something wrong here. Have John and Marshall move up past the yellow house to our left, but circle over a block before coming up this way.”
    Leo and I stood there, transfixed by the man’s screams. ”Help!” He yelled as I poked my head around the corner “My name is Andrew Zione, Help! I’m humaaa”. His cries left off into a gurgle of screams as the zombie bit into his crotch, ripping meat from the inside of his leg, I could hear its teeth scraping Andrew’s thigh bone.
    The thing pulled its head away dragging tendons with it like floss between the festering corpses teeth, blood spurted from Andrew’s leg wound. The zombie chewed twice and swallowed the hunk of thigh meat. The next bite the zombie took was Andrew’s manhood, ripping it away from his body, chewing slowly. The screams raised several octaves and became louder, as the zombie dove in for a third bite, peeling the flesh away from his belly, allowing Andrew’s guts to slide out like links of raw sausage onto the grass.
    “ Fuck, how is he still alive?” I said. The screams still haunt

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