When Dreams Come True (The Star Series Book 1)

Read When Dreams Come True (The Star Series Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read When Dreams Come True (The Star Series Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: M. Stratton
Tags: EPUB
say any more?”
    “No, not here.”
    Beau came up to them with a water bottle in each hand. “Sorry it took so long; I had to take care of something for Will quickly.”
    “Oh, no problem,” Lissa replied.
    “These events must be a lot of work for you,” Hannah mentioned.
    “It’s not too bad. After we arrive and go through the line, I can relax a little bit. Then we go from here to the party, and following that I’m free to do as I please.”
    “Have you known Will long?”
    “Oh, yes, we went to school together. I’ve known him for ages.”
    “Ohhh…” Hannah rubbed her hands together. “Tell us all the good stuff about Will. What was he like as a kid? Got any embarrassing stories?”
    “What? Like you don’t want to know.”
    “Be that as it may, don’t pump the man for information.” Lissa closed her eyes after the words came out of her mouth. She couldn’t look at Hannah, because she knew exactly what was going on in Hannah’s mind, and she would end up laughing.
    “Want to tell me what you are dreaming about to put that smile on your face, darling?” It was strange how quickly she could recognize his scent and the feel of his body next to hers. With his hand resting on the small of her back, his long fingers hooked around her waist and pulled her in. She could feel the sparks Hannah spoke of flowing between them.
    Lissa opened her eyes and looked up at him over her shoulder. “Can I get back to you on that?”
    “Will, it’s time,” Beau said.
    “What’d I miss?” Royce came up full of energy. “We ready to go in yet? Cool. Hey, Hannah, baby, come sit next to me?” He offered her his arm.
    “I’d love to.” Hannah placed her hand on his arm, grinning like a fool.
    Lissa was trying not to look Hannah in the eye. For both of them, this was so surreal and if they looked at each other, it would all be over. They’d both been on their best behavior; neither one had made a fool of themselves yet, and they certainly didn’t want to start now. ‘The Dork Sisters’ was what they called themselves.
    Since they weren’t in the spotlight, she started to relax a little bit and didn’t worry as much about tripping. They both made use of their long legs and were at their seats in no time. Sitting down in the row with Hannah on one side of her and Will on the other, she suddenly remembered what it was like to be a teenager on her first movie date. Was he going to want to hold her hand? Would he put his arm around her? She mentally scolded herself; they weren’t on a date, and she needed to keep her head out of the clouds and her feet planted firmly on the ground.
    A few minutes later, both Will and Royce went up on the stage along with the other actors and director from the movie. Their speeches were short and they had the audience laughing. Cameras flashed and there was a festive atmosphere in the theater. As Will walked back to his seat beside her, their eyes locked and neither could look away, even when he sat down. Soon enough, the lights dimmed and the movie began. Her attention was torn between the movie and the man sitting next to her, his legs spread wide to accommodate their length in the small space. Every time she moved, she knew he was right there. What would he think if I accidently touched him?
    It was a little chilly in the theater, so between that and her nerves she was shaking a bit. She thought she’d hidden it well since Hannah wasn’t giving her strange looks. Hannah was the one who was always cold, not Lissa. Hannah always brought a sweater with her, even when it was a hundred and ten degrees outside in the desert.
    She should have known better, though. He seemed very observant, because he took his suit jacket off and tapped her shoulder. When she looked over, he held it up and motioned for her to lean forward. Carefully, he draped the jacket across her shoulders and made sure the front was pulled as close together as it could get.
    Leaning over, he

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