Wicked Sense

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Book: Read Wicked Sense for Free Online
Authors: Fabio Bueno
“ My father died before I was born . Mum never married him . Or anyone else. ” It’s true. She had lots of boyfriends, though.
    What I don’t say is that my mother is Katherine Lexington-Ellis , a British theater legend who’s been working in Hollywood and in indie movies since she won her Oscar nine years ago. I also omit that she’s a witch . She named me Skye, after the Scottish island where my parents met . Mum told me he was a charming, powerful male witch , but just a fling .
    Drake awakens me from my reverie. “Are you here with her? Do you have plans to move soon?”
    “No, I’m staying with a friend of hers, my Aunt Gemma.”
    “So, you’re not an exchange student, after all,” he says, sounding pleased.
    “No, I’m here to stay,” I lie. Actually, I’m here until we find the Singularity.
    He seems satisfied, so I finish my scone in silence, ab sorbing the vibe of this place . I ’ve lived i n so many cities, so many hotel rooms, with so many tutors. Mum was always on set, or in another room with her male lead. Now she’s onstage in London, and the Mothers sent me here. Alone.
    I don’t want to think about it and I steer the conversation toward more mundane things. “Who are your friends? The ones with you on my first day?”
    “The short one with a buzz cut is Sean. The one that looks like the Terminator is Boulder.”
    “Sean shouldn’t wear sideburns and a soul patch.”
    He chuckles. “I know. And you met Sean after he trimmed them. You should have seen him before.”
    The conversation dies a little after that.
    Drake sips his coffee slowly, watching the city come alive, but glances at me from time to time. We don’t feel like we have to say something. It’s a nice feeling.
    I don’t sense Jane’s energy anymore. She’s gone. Good.
    The sights draw my attention again . Three-story red brick buildings surround us. On the street, an old car stands out . On its baby- blue side s someone painted an underwater scene , complete with starfish , do l phins, several types of fish , and seahorses .
    My eyes follow the strange car passing on the road . Only because of the car I notice the statue of a kneeling Jimi Hendrix on the next block . What an odd city.
    When I turn back to Drake, I catch him looking at me . He keeps staring while I chase after the scone crumbs on the table and stuff them in my mouth.
    “What?” I mumble, my mouth full.
    Drake smiles and says, “Have you seen the troll yet?”

Chapter 9: Drake
    We ’re headed to Aurora Avenue, but she receives a call. She has to go home. I turn around. I’ll show her the Fremont Troll later.
    While I’m driving her back, she says, “S o, Priscilla tells me you’re a good kisser.”
    Huh? “I ’ve never kissed her,” I say. I’d like to, but I haven’t.
    “She says that’s the word around school . So, what’s up with that? Did you kiss all the other girls in school?”
    Oh, I know . “No, I kissed just one. Brianna . But she gossips a lot.”
    Skye chuckles. I hope it’s from my joke, not from my lack of e xperience. But I see an opening and take a chance.
    “What about you?” I ask. “Do you have a boyfriend? ” I make an effort to avoid being hypnotized by her unreal blue eyes .
    “No.” I was hoping for more, but I see her tensing a little bit.
    Since she’s new to the city, I take the longest route I can. I think of something to break the tension. “Girlfriend?” I ask. She chuckles again. “Husband?” She snorts.
    “No, I’m free as a bird, as they say. But I’m not looking for some body.”
    “Oh,” I say. “Well, maybe somebody is looking for you.”
    She shakes her head, and then she stares at me. “If you know what to say at all times , how come you don’t have a girlfriend? ”
    I shrug, my eyes on the road. “I guess I’m very selective.”
    She looks away, to the houses passing by out her window. I hope she’s not into my trick to stretch our time together.
    “You have a sister, right?

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