Wrestling Desire

Read Wrestling Desire for Free Online

Book: Read Wrestling Desire for Free Online
Authors: Michelle Cary
practice.  She sucked in a strangled breath as she waited for Holt to move. 
    “William’s gone off script.”  She looked up at Garrett and saw the same concern in his eyes. There were times when wrestlers would go off script because it was necessary, even the right thing to do.  This wasn’t one of those times. 
    The Embalmer pulled a barely conscious and now bleeding Holt from the mangled remains of the table and immediately shoved him into the ring’s steel post.  Only Holt’s hands weren’t up to block the hit like they should have been.  His head bounced off the ring post with a resounding thud and his knees immediately buckled. 
    Horrified, Emma watched the monitor not quite believing her eyes.  The Embalmer not only went completely off script, but was in the process of purposely trying to seriously injure Holt.  Terror streaked through her system as she glanced up at Garrett a second time.  They both knew Mr. France wanted the best show for the fans, but at whose expense? 
    The Embalmer practically threw Holt back into the ring.  Face completely bloody, he rolled to a stop on the mat and didn’t move. The Embalmer pinned him with an easy 1-2-3 count. With a sigh of relief that the match ended , Emma listened as the final directions were given and the television feed cut off , signaling the end of the show.  However the camera’s continued to roll to tape and The Embalmer continued his assault.  He hopped from the ring, pulled up the skirt and search ed underneath. Apparently not finding what he wanted he turned to the now abandoned announcers table and grabbed a metal chair.
    Bile rose in her throat as she realized his intent.  This had to stop before Holt ended up seriously hurt, if he wasn’t hurt already.  Emma removed her headset and handed it to Jill.  “Signal the medics, find Dr. Andrews and get the ambulance ready.”
    “Wait,” Jill called as Emma turned toward Garrett.  “Emma, where are you going?”
    “To stop William from killing Holt,” Emma shouted as she motioned for Garrett to follow.   “I need wrestlers and refs to help now,” she yelled and ran toward the entryway.  Within seconds she could hear several pair of feet slapping the metal floor as they raced toward the ring. 
    The crowd, who had yet to disband, went wild yet she barely noticed as Garrett moved ahead of her and slid into the ring followed by several other wrestlers who quickly disarmed The Embalmer and fought to get him under control.
    Emma crawled into the ring and eased over to Holt.  “Holt, can you hear me?”
    His head lulled to the side and a moan slid from his lips as he began to come to. 
    “It’s okay, honey.  Help is coming.”  Emma placed a hand on his shoulder only to find herself immediately tumbling across the mat.  Stunned, she scrambled to her knees and backed into the corner as she watched Holt somehow manage to stagger to his feet.  Garrett reached for him only to receive a punch to the jaw as Holt swung out at anyone who attempted to get near him.  In fight or flight mode he wobbled in the ring, wildly thrashing out as she sat in the corner watching. 
    Several of the wrestlers now had The Embalmer heading up the ramp, leaving only Garrett and three refs to deal with Holt.  None of them seemed to be making any progress with calming him down. This was a side of Holt she’d never seen before and it terrified her.  Even his best friend couldn’t seem to penetrate the wall of fear Holt appeared to be trapped behind. 
    Determined to reach him Emma pushed to her feet.  “Holt.  Holt stop,” she yelled. 
    Whether it was the sound of his name or the sound of her voice that caused him to pause, Emma didn’t know.  She only hope d to capitalize on the opportunity.  “E-Emma,” he murmured.
    “That’s right,” she did her best to sooth as she inched closer.  Hopefully the wrongness of her being in the ring would confuse him enough to make him stop.  Hopefully

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