Zombies! Episode 2 - Abby's Bad Day

Read Zombies! Episode 2 - Abby's Bad Day for Free Online

Book: Read Zombies! Episode 2 - Abby's Bad Day for Free Online
Authors: Ivan Turner
Tags: Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, Zombie, Zombies, New York, Plague, serial
    Martin picked up on the second ring. "Jesus,
Abby, I'm about to go in for the interview."
    "Where's Sammy?"
    "He's at home with your parents, just like we
discussed." Martin sounded annoyed, his voice barely above a
    "Martin, I'm at Sisters of Charity hospital." Her voice broke. "There's been some trouble."
    Martin's irritated breathing stalled and his
voice leveled out. "What sort of trouble?"
    "I had to bring a customer here and he…he
    "Are you all right?" His voice was still
    "Martin, he got up again. He bit this nurse
and this security guard and they both died, too. And then they got
up and we're trapped in the emergency room."
    "Abby, what are you trying to say?"
    Abby shook her head. "Oh, Martin, I'm sorry.
I love you. I just, they've got us trapped and I wanted to hear
your voice."
    "You said Sisters of Charity ,
    "Yes." She was barely speaking now. In the
background, she heard the room phone ring.

    "I'm on my way there."
    "What? Martin, that's not a good idea…"
    Dr. Leke tapped her on the shoulder. Abby
looked at her. She was holding the exam room's phone in one hand,
offering it to Abby. Abby hadn't even heard it ring.
    "It's the policeman," she said. "He wants to
talk to you."
    Abby knitted her brow. "Me? Why?"
    Dr. Leke shrugged. "He asked for you by
    Abby spoke into her cell phone. "Martin?"
There was no answer. He was gone.
    Taking the room phone, she put it to her ear,
closing up the other putting it away at the same time. "Hello?"
    "Abby, my name is Anthony Heron. Do you
remember me?"
    She shrugged. "I don't have a lot of
experience with policemen, unless you're one of the officers who
came into the gym last week."
    "That's right," he said to her.
    She pictured their faces in her mind. They
were blurry but she could remember a few details. "Which one are
    "The handsome one," he said and she could
hear him smiling. What she couldn't know was that he was smiling
because Stemmy would have thought that was funny. But he went
serious again right away. "Are you at the hospital because of one
of those zombies?"
    "Yes," she said tentatively. "Karl had a
nosebleed and dropped a weight on his foot. I brought him down and
he just died."
    "Do you remember why I came in last
    "You came in about Larrry Koplowitz. He'd
been killed." It suddenly dawned on her. "Is this connected?"
    "Larry was a zombie. His wife and his little
girl were also zombies."
    Larry had a family. "Do you think it's
connected to the gym? Could I be infected?"
    Suddenly the others in the room looked at her
a little differently.
    "I wish you hadn't said that," Heron told
her, picturing the reactions of the others in the room. "If you
were infected, you'd probably know it."
    "But it's been a week since Larry. And now
    Heron cleared his throat commandingly. "Abby,
I need for you to keep a level head. If you're not sick then you're
not infected."
    There was a tap on her shoulder and she
turned to see Peter, white faced, pointing at the door.
    HERON turned away from the phone at
the touch of a finger on his shoulder. It was Culph, returned from
his assignment. He was pointing into the ER.
    "Abby, are you still there?"
    "They're coming in," she said to him.
"They've figured out the door handle."
    Jane was doing it. Maybe she'd leaned on it
by mistake or maybe there was some semblance of a brain still left
in that head. But she had her hand on the handle and she was
pushing it down. After that it was just a matter of pushing…
    "Block that door. Throw everything you have
against it!"
    Over the phone, Heron heard furniture moving
and people shouting. He put down the phone. They needed to get in
there now. Where the hell was Mancina?
    Mancina was just coming back into the ER
waving a slip of paper as the doors themselves

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