Letting Go

Read Letting Go for Free Online

Book: Read Letting Go for Free Online
Authors: Meg Jolie
    “Would it be okay if I stayed with you for awhile?” he asked.
    She nodded. “Yes, I’d like that.”
    Luke picked out a movie, one that was a favorite from their high school days. He sprawled out on the couch and Quinn joined him. He pulled her in so that her back was firmly against his chest. He knew he was walking a fine line between right and wrong—since Ashley was still officially in his life—but he pushed the thought away as he curled his arm around her.
    Her body felt so small and fragile against his. She’d lost a lot of weight after Jake’s death and she hadn’t gained it back. Still, she felt so completely sexy and feminine. She let out a content sigh as she relaxed against him.
    He’d give just about anything to kiss her in that moment. But he couldn’t. So he tightened his arm around her, settling for holding her, which was the next best thing.
    “Dad, you’ll keep an eye on Carter for a few minutes, won’t you?” Carly asked.
    Quinn was sitting on the floor next to him, keeping him entertained with a pile of toys. He was talking to the stack of building blocks before him. Every time Quinn would stack them up, Carter would knock them down and laugh. Then he’d look at his mommy expectantly, waiting for her to stack them once more so he could continue with his favorite game.
    Before Quinn could ask Carly why their dad needed to watch Carter, Pete agreed.
    “Come with me,” Carly said. She grabbed Quinn by her elbow and tugged her to her feet. “Mom we’ll be right back!” Carly called over her shoulder to Margo, who was in the kitchen. The aroma of their Sunday dinner filled the house.
    Quinn laughed as Carly towed her up the steps. “What’s going on?”
    Carly didn’t answer until she swung Quinn into her room. She shut the door and crossed her arms over her chest. Her eyes were narrowed as she eyed Quinn up. “I think I should be asking you that. What’s going on, big sister?”
    Quinn feigned innocence. “I don’t know what you mean.”
    Carly stomped her foot, causing her strawberry blond ponytail to bounce across her back. “Don’t you dare try to pull that with me. I don’t buy it for a second. You look…” She hesitated. “You’ve had this dreamy look on your face since the minute you walked in the front door.”
    A traitorous smile appeared on Quinn’s face. She didn’t bother to try to chase it away.
    Carly let out a squeal as she bounced toward Quinn. “Is it Luke?! Oh, Quinnie! Please, please tell me it’s Luke!”
    Quinn bit her lip and crinkled up her face in indecision. Carly stared at her impatiently. Finally, Quinn nodded. “It is Luke.”
    Carly squealed again, just like she used to do when they were in high school. Then she threw her arms around Quinn. She knew as well as anyone how devastated Quinn had been after Jake’s death. She had feared that Quinn was stubborn enough that she would refuse to move on. The other night, when Carly had brought it up, she’d only hoped to plant the idea in Quinn’s head. She hadn’t dared hope that Quinn would be so receptive to the idea so soon.
    “So tell me, what happened,” Carly asked. Her eyes were wide, curious, and her grin was enormous. She tugged Quinn over to the bed.
    They’d had countless life changing conversations on the edge of either Quinn or Carly’s beds. Carly had a feeling this was going to be another one.
    “Don’t get too excited,” Quinn chastised as she flopped down next to Carly. “Nothing really happened.” She continued on, telling Carly everything. She started with how hard it had been to get up the courage to ask Luke on a date. She admitted how crushed she’d felt when he’d turned her down. She ended her explanation with Luke leaving shortly after midnight, but only after pulling her into another huge hug.
    “I knew it,” Carly

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