Married Again to the Millionaire

Read Married Again to the Millionaire for Free Online

Book: Read Married Again to the Millionaire for Free Online
Authors: Margaret Mayo
to him. You can’t buy his love, Adam. Kids need companionship and love and caring. Doing little things together. And if you can’t get your head round that then it might be better if he never finds out about you.’
    ‘It’s too late for that.’ Adam’s eyes glittered into hers. Hard eyes, cold eyes, that told her she couldn’t back out now. That he would demand access to his son whether she liked it or not.
    ‘Nevertheless, we need to set out some ground rules,’ she declared sharply. ‘I don’t want you trying to impress him with your wealth. He needs to get to know you properly first.’
    ‘I agree,’ he answered with surprising quietness, ‘and the sooner the better.’
    The subject of their son drew them closer by an invisible thread. Adam’s eyes had never seemed bluer. Or more fierce. Or more direct. They burned through into the very heart of her, making her wriggle uncomfortably on her seat.
    ‘Do I have to come knocking on the door and announce myself? I could do that, you know.’
    And he would, thought Sienna. He would turn up without warning and she would be left quivering with apprehension. What if the two of them didn’t get on? Adam clearly knew nothing about children and their needs. He would overwhelm his son, maybe even frighten him.
    ‘I’ll tell him tomorrow,’ she promised. ‘But he’ll need a few days to get used to the idea. I’ll ring you.’
    Adam threw her a look of disbelief. ‘And how long will I have to wait? Maybe I should come back with you tonight and—’
    ‘No!’ yelped Sienna, then looked around swiftly to see if anyone had heard her panicked cry. Fortunately not. ‘He’ll be in bed, for one thing. I’ll tell him tomorrow, I promise, and then I’ll leave it up to Ethan.’
    ‘What if he doesn’t want to meet me?’
    Sienna shrugged. ‘That’s something you’ll have to deal with.’ Though she couldn’t see it happening. Ethan would be so excited he’d want to see his daddy immediately.
    ‘If you think that I’m going to ignore my son now that you’ve told me about him, you’re wrong.’ Hard eyes met hers. ‘Very wrong. But I appreciate that he’ll need a little time. I’ll give you two days then if I haven’t heard from you I shall turn up on your doorstep.’ He whisked a card out of his pocket. ‘Here’s my personal phone number. Use it.’
    The rest of the evening passed in relative harmony. They had both chosen turbot for their main course, which was cooked to perfection, as were the accompanying vegetables. Sienna had never eaten such delicious food and she felt slightly sad that she didn’t have room for dessert.
    By the time Adam suggested they leave Sienna felt more relaxed than she had expected. He had regaled her with stories about his work life, some amusing, some deadly serious, and she had finished the whole bottle of wine.
    Consequently she felt mellow and sleepy and when they left the restaurant she didn’t even flinch when he put his arm about her waist.
    ‘Have I told you how stunning you look tonight, Sienna?’
    His voice rumbled from somewhere low in his throat, vibrating along her nerves, making her pull suddenly out of his embrace. What had she been thinking, letting him touch her like this?
    Without warning his head bent down towards hers and eyes that were the colour of a sun-kissed ocean took her prisoner. And lips that she had sworn would never touch hers again captured her mouth in a kiss that revealed with devastating thoroughness that none of her feelings had gone away.
    They had simply lain dormant, waiting like Sleeping Beauty for her prince to kiss her and bring her back to life. Her body felt on fire, electric sensations fizzing through veins and arteries. Emotions she had thought dead rose up and embraced the kiss, responded to it, filling her body with a hunger she had not felt for a very long time.
    But it was madness. Allowing these feelings to surface was sheer madness. Adam would gain the impression

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